Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech

Even when you aren't directly affected by a tragedy like the one that happened at Virginia Tech, it seems like we always know someone who was. I called Jay yesterday worried that he may have been on campus. Luckily, he had headed North just a few hours before. I called Kevin who also graduated from there; he seems pretty shook up from the whole situation as well.

You never know why these things happen. In one sense, they serve the purpose of making sure we do not become complacent in where we are. It shows you the importance of living life with a sense of urgency because you never know which say will be your last. Make haste to love.

It is unfortunate for the school as they now will have to stave off a stigma that truly was for the most part outside of their control. It reminds me of the serial killer Danny Rolling who plagued the UF in 1990.

There are definitely bigger problems in the world than the ones we trouble ourselves with every day. So, in the end, at least we can be thankful for a good dose of perspective.

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