Monday, April 23, 2007

Smile, You're on Candid Camera

People are so interesting. I spend more time studying people than I do information technology, and that is what I am getting my PhD in. Funny.

I am looking at Scuro right now, and she is giving me a half wink and a sideways ear turn. I don't really ever have to wonder what she is thinking because her actions are always consistent with her thoughts. She just decided to lick herself. I guess she thought she must need a bath. I love animals. They are so straightforward.

I was admiring Ru's innocence and joy today. He was completely happy rolling around in the grass and running up to me to get attention. He gave unconditional kisses and love. It is funny - I want to aspire to be more like a dog. To capture joy, innocence, pure love, and living in the moment would all be things humans search lifetimes to find.

Life is so beautiful how it humbles me sometimes. It reminds me that I don't know what the heck I am doing on a daily basis. And it is good just to laugh at myself sometimes.

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