Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I am off the phone now. Just talked to my mom who seems to be doing well. After that, Jay called. He and his cats may crash in the guest room tomorrow night on their way up to Winchester. I haven't seen Skip and Spook for a few years, so it will be good to see them. Of course, they will have to stay partitioned in the guest bedroom because my cats pretty much terrorized them when they were in the same house before.

I wanted to get to bed early tonight to be able to get as much work done tomorrow as possible. It is already getting pretty late though. Got out of teaching around 9 PM. I enjoy teaching.

I am supposed to go to that CHOA event tomorrow, but I think I may skip out. I think I am more about the outdoor adventures which are a little less meat-markety than the other social events. I also have to work on my presentation for Friday. It is my last Outlook reminder that keeps coming back to haunt me.

G'night. Sweet dreams. Both of my cuddlers have departed, so I will have to make do with Job until they return.

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