Sunday, April 22, 2007

Being Me

I am a Florida native
A dork, sure to make you laugh
I stand 5 foot three inches
But never forget the half

I am always on the go
I work and play hard
My house is always straightened
But there are tons of weeds in the yard

I am half Chinese
And the rest of me is mutt
I try to keep things PG-13
Because I get uncomfortable around smutt

My attention span is short
I have already tuned you out
But I pay attention to your heart
And the things that really count

Most would say I am difficult
But I am loving and sweet
I sing in the shower
And have the tiniest, little feet

I have a crooked smile
And I hate to drive
I live my life with passion
Because it makes me feel alive

I definitely am not a loner
I love my family and friends
Still looking for the perfect lover
Who will stand beside me until the end

Yes, I am a hopeless romantic
I cry more times than I like to admit
I pursue happiness and goodness
And haven't given up yet

I won't apologize for who I am
Accept me flaws and all
I know I am not a poet
But there is a little poet within us all

My name is Pam
And that's who I am meant to be
I know I am not perfect
But all in all, I am pretty good at being me . . .

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