Thursday, April 12, 2007

Full Pow Pow

Ugh, I am so full. I went to Chili's with Chris after going to Best Buy to get an 80 GB external hard drive and a CD holder that matched my office. Just got off the phone with Muhammed. He might be able to replace my corroded battery cable for less than the dealership is charging me. We will see. He is still moving slowly from getting hit by a car.

Jay should be here with Skip and Spook around 11:30 PM. I am excited to see the boys! Skip is a grey tabby, Spook is black with a little white like my cat Sebastian used to have.

I started unpacking my patio set, and it looks pretty nice. I need to borrow a male from somewhere and help me move and assemble everything out back. The lawn guy finished with the lawn today, so I have to take a look and see how they did.

Going to vege for a little bit and then work on my presentation. I wish this headache would go away. I have already taken Aleve and allergy medication supplemented with caffeine, and I still have a pounding headache. I need a good massage.

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