Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Day Like No Other

I am about to start my day by hopping in the shower. I have already done the pre-day Ra cuddling. I have to get quite a bit done before my interview (my insanely long interview) at 1:45 PM. Did I mention I have ANOTHER interview scheduled with the same company for tomorrow as well?

Wednesday doesn't look that bad. It is a work day for the class I am taking. However, I do have to prepare a lecture for two chapters in the class that I teach.

Thursday, I work and am going to a CHOA event. It is a wine and cheese tasting. I hope they have some good cheese.

Friday, I work and am presenting during the Friday seminar on my research. That evening, I have an ACM-W Happy Hour. I might skip and stand up the one or two other women in technology who may show up.

Saturday, I am having a Muddy Fun Afternoon.

Stress level is high. Need extra cuddling. Oh, here comes Scuro.

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