Wednesday, April 25, 2007


It is amazing how we tend to lose sight of the things that are truly valuable to us. I remember when I lived in Florida and had to evacuate my house, the things I thought were so important didn't seem to mean as much. The things I carried with me: my cats, yearbooks, photo albums, laptop . . .

I guess what I am searching for is someone who sees my value and doesn't forget it. Also, someone that I value just as much.

I am thankful that I have my priorities straight. The things that are truly valuable to me are friends, family, learning new things, personal growth, helping others, God, travel, love, animals . . . Although money, success, and notoriety have their place they are not things you think about when you are on your deathbed, evacuating this world. They are not the things you take with you when you go.

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