Monday, April 02, 2007

I Smell Like Puppy

Went over to Mike's to see Ru tonight. We tried watching a movie, but Ru cried through the whole thing. He is just a puppy, so he is still getting used to being away from his brothers and sisters. He is such a cutie pie.

Mike brought me back a Chinese feng shui compass from his last business trip. It is supposed to tell you what color to paint your walls based on the direction the wall faces. (Perfect for me since I insist on painting every wall a different color.) The only problem is that it is all in Chinese. I will have to get some of the PhD students to come over to read it.

Bennett was over again fixing the tub front. I owe him big time. There is still a bit more to do, but at least the gaping hole is covered now.

Joel will be here on Thursday, and we are determined to go camping and hike to waterfalls. The problem is we aren't sure if we even have a tent. And we don't know where we are going to go. We will figure something out though.

Chris and I have about 30 people who are attending the cook out on April 28th. This will be our first joint get-together. I think we are both looking forward to it.

I've been tired all day so I am going to try to get to bed early.

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