Monday, April 16, 2007

God, Move or Move Me

What will today be like, I wonder? Yesterday was a good day, the day before not so good. The day before that was another good day. While Thursday was definitely tough, but Wednesday was okay. The day before was mediocre, and I can't really remember as far back as Monday. Oh wait, I think I just blocked Monday out of my head. Yeah, Monday was definitely quite a kicker. Joel was here the three days before, and I got to see waterfalls. And here I am again at 5:03 AM blogging my usual randomness.

Honesty is hard sometimes, but it certainly has its benefits. I would say that it helps you sleep better at night, but I am a prime example that that isn't true. It gives you a sense of knowing who you are and knowing who really loves you. If you aren't honest with yourself or others, how will you ever be authentically loved? No, that doesn't mean you have to tell strangers all of your business. Heck, I even know better than doing that! There is just this level of truth between you and the world that works to make things real. And that is what I am. I am real. People have told me that was one of my better qualities before, and I guess I didn't understand how other people couldn't be real. However, I think I am learning what that means.

God knows the mess that is Pam. And He loves me anyway. That is a good feeling.

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