Thursday, April 19, 2007


Although I have been busy the end of this semester, things are going well. I have gotten quite a bit more research done this semester than past semesters. I currently have three streams of research I am working on right now. The one I am going to turn into my dissertation topic has to do with knowledge worker productivity and the optimal usage of information technology. Secnd, I am assessing the fit between information processing needs and capability for interorganizational electronic integration performance. Third is a paper I have been working on forever about how humans exhibit interpersonal behaviors toward websites acting as social actors. There is a fourth paper which is pretty much dead that deals with using collaborative training methodologies to enhance group performance using collaborative technologies. Most of it is lofty theoretical stuff that will probably never see the real world.

Anyway. So that is school. Teaching is going pretty well too. I got some feedback from my students from last semester on Rate My Professor. My students this semester found out that my class is harder than the other sections, but hopefully they realize that they are learning a lot through all the things they are doing. I don't have any classes scheduled to teach for summer and fall so I will be more focused on my research.

In the work arena, thing are going well. Not saying much here because I am still figuring out the situation.

Spiritually, I should be getting to church more often. However, I do pray quite regularly. I could always do more. My faith in God and Jesus remains. I simply couldn't function without it. I always have unanswered questions, but I am pretty sure that is never going to go away.

The cats are great. Scuro's favorite toy is this little, green fuzzy hair tie that I don't even know where it came from. She carries it around in her mouth all over the house, drops it down on the hardwood floor and runs after it like a mad woman. Ra is still the character he has always been with his little head, fat belly, and asthmatic purr. They are healthy and still have spurts of kitten-like energy although they are 7 and almost 9.

My roommate Chris and I are still getting along well. He has been seeing my friend Amber, so I have been trying adamantly to stay out of the middle of that. Chris and I are having a cookout with over 30 people attending on April 28th. I am just hoping we don't get April showers that day.

Other stuff is going on too, but I am getting sleepy again so I am going to try to get in another half an hour of sleep before I have to get up and ready for work.

1 comment:

Riz said...

"...would recommend her if you like having a relationship with your professor." Ok, taken a certain way that's funny. :)