Monday, April 09, 2007

Task Master

So these are the things I need to get done tomorrow:

-Create presentation to present during Friday's seminar
-Grade papers
-Upload students' grades (DONE)
-Enter data for survey validation (DONE)

If I don't then I will be screwed. How's that for motivation! There is a lot of other stuff that needs to be done, but I am going to focus on getting these done first. I ended up taking a nap today because I didn't sleep well last night (as supported by my untimely blog posts). I still kind of have a headache. I am attributing that to pollen and lack of sleep.

In general, I think I work hard and I play hard. When I am not sleeping, I am always busy doing something. I kind of like it that way. I get a lot accomplished, but I also get to enjoy a lot of things in life that other people don't. I just have to work on not being so sleepy though. Then I would have more time in my day. Reminds me of the song, "I need a little more life in my day."

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