Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Trying to be productive today, but I am not doing that great at it. I did finish my AMCIS final draft revision. Now I have to do some data analysis for the ICIS paper that is due May 4th.

Okay, let's focus on something fun and good for a change:

April 28th: Chris and I are having a cookout. The patio set I bought is all set up, and we have about 35 people RSVPed. It should be a good time.
May 4th - 7th: I am going to Joel's college graduation then up to Gainesville to see friends and family.
May 12th: I am going to a cookout at Jetton Park near Lake Norman
June 8th - 9th: Going camping at Lake James
June 28th - July 7th: Going to San Francisco to see family
July 12th - 15th: Francis is coming to visit. I am going with him to his friend's wedding.
August 1st: John Mayer Concert
August 8th - 13th: AMCIS Conference in Keystone, Colorado

So that isn't that bad. Unfortunately, my qualifying exams will be shortly after that. Sigh.

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