Tuesday, April 10, 2007


"The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings." --Eric Hoffer

1) My family loves me.
2) I have lots of friends.
3) God loves me.
4) I have the best cats ever.
5) I have a good education.
6) I have a beautiful home.
7) I have an awesome roommate.
8) I am financially stable.
9) I am alive.
10) I have never experienced war.
11) I have never gone hungry.
12) I have been able to start over.
13) I have been able to help others.
14) I don't hate anyone.
15) I have had the opportunity to learn what is truly important in life.
16) I have been loved.
17) I have employment.
18) No one is trying to hurt me.
19) I know who I am.
20) I am young.
21) The Internet.
22) I can travel to see new places.
23) I don't have to be perfect.
24) I have learned to love myself.
25) I am healthy.
26) I can take care of myself.
27) I am growing.
28) I don't hate what I do for a living.
29) I have learned how to forgive.
30) I have been forgiven.
31) I am not alone.
32) I enjoy the little things.
33) I have hope, love, and faith.
34) I can pray for everything else.

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