Thursday, March 01, 2007

Lacking Faith

Most things in life come with a bipolar opposite. I struggle with a lack of faith, but the reason I believe in God is this: When I am at my lowest point, I pray. When all my other resources have been exhausted, I still turn to Him. I don't just give up and kill myself. Somewhere it says something in the Bible like "God's strength is made perfect in our weakness." I think that is it. So in my strength, I tend to doubt. In my weakness, I still have faith.

Not sure why I decided to write about that, but that is what came out of the tips of my fingers this early morning before I go back to bed.

God, I just pray for your strength for myself and for others. We are a lost and desperate world trying to be strong when really we need to rely on you. Help us follow your path to avoid the pain and suffering we would otherwise find. Don't just love us; take care of us. Through Jesus, Amen.

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