Thursday, March 29, 2007

You're Gonna Love Me

If you haven't seen the movie Dreamgirls yet, you really should.

I, unfortunately, am not a dreaming girl. I am a very much awake girl. I have slept off my headache, however. Funny enough, Joel and I are IMing back and forth at 3:57 AM. He is up working on some sort of anthopology project. I am trying to make him think of something interesting for me to blog about. He has yet to respond. While he is thinking, XP is updating Charlotte (my laptop), not the city.

Joel Reynolds: the big question, why are you blogging at 4am
Joel Reynolds: what keeps you up at night

Wow, that was a good question. I am not sure if that is something I want to answer in a public forum.

Joel Reynolds: wow, I didn't know there was too personal for your blog

Oh, and so you guys thought that this was all there was to me, did you? Funny, I see that iceburg Pam is overwhelming enough! Anyway, I should probably try to get back to sleep soon.

On a side note, I did find Kim's new "Going to Chicago" blog, and they seem to being fine starting out on their new adventure. Good, good.

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