Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Long Day

As you probably read, I went to bed rather late last night/early this morning. The people who come clean the house showed up at 8:30 AM. I slept on the couch as they cleaned around me. I have been on campus making up the next exam for the class I teach and preparing for today's lecture. I have tons of papers I still need to grade and return to the students. I have class at 3:30 PM, but hopefully we will get out early so I can at least grade one of the assignments before I teach. I am actually driving into work tomorrow. Jay said he needed me to come in for some reason. I didn't have a conflict accept Chris and I are going to go see a movie tomorrow night.

I will be on campus today until about 9 PM. I ate an early lunch before I came to campus, so I am starting to get hungry again already.

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