Monday, March 19, 2007

How Forever Feels

I have to be on campus in an hour, so I don't have enough time to be productive beforehand. So I decided to blog. I took a hit to my self esteem last night, being called less trustworthy than a dog. Made me cry. Anyway, I am going to work on a paper today. I like working with the professor I have been working with. She makes it easier to get things done. I am big on clear, cut direction. I hate when a professor says that something needs to be revised but then doesn't bother telling what needs to be revised. How do you know you aren't revising the parts they actually liked?

I need to go to the store and get soft drinks and cat food. I probably need other stuff too, but it can wait. I really need to file my taxes on-line soon too. I don't think I will get much back this year.

I guess I could arrive at my meeting early.

1 comment:

liraelwiddershins said...

Who said that? Why? Whoever it is, ignore them and move on.

Maybe you need to try an entirely different kind of guy.

After all, Lisa always thought I'd wind up married to some guy with blue hair and an earring and I wound up with Tony, Mr. Actuary. He's my opposite in many ways, but we make it work. Before him I'd always dated artsy musician/actor types. Maybe you need an opposite kind of guy?