Sunday, March 18, 2007


Okay, I am ready for bed now.

I was thinking about how different people handle things. I tend to date guys who have a problem dealing with every day problems and live a life of constant fustration. However, they don't blink at eye when something major happens. On the other hand, I handle the little things pretty easily, but when it comes to the bigger things, I fall apart. So, in general, it is hard to understand where the other person is coming from because we all handle things differently. I have always been willing to help out with the little things, but in return, I need help with the bigger things sometimes. I am not in search of someone who is just like me. I don't think I have met anyone anywhere close to being like me. It isn't a requirement as long as they can acknowledge who I am as well.

BTW, who the heck lives in Walnut, California?

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