Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What Goes Around

I don't believe that what goes around comes around. I am not a believer that good things will happen to good people and bad things will happen to bad people, at least in this lifetime. The world is simply not that fair.

I stopped by the store on the way to campus to pick up donuts for my students to lighten the blow of the exam; as I was backing out, Pearl got hit by this huge pick up truck. I have never gotten into an accident before. The damage wasn't that bad, but a dent in the bumper pretty much. It is just annoying is all.

So I am on campus now. I spent the last hour or two grading papers, and I am now taking a break. I have class in about half an hour and need to go to the third floor a little early to make copies of the exam I am administering tonight.

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