Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Data Analysis

I have been coding my survey responses for the last two hours. I think I am going to go cross-eyed soon. I updated my MySpace page using a template and updated my status to single . . . because I am (grumble, grumble). However, I keep getting all these friend requests that I keep denying. I don't use that site to pick up guys; I just want to keep in touch with my friends. Maybe I will have to go back to false advertising. Maybe I will just say I am married. Hey, the power of positive thinking . . . No, I am not looking to get married to just anyone. On the contrary, I am extremely picky. (Joel can attest to that.)

Kim . . . when are you going to update your blog and let us know how the move went?

I am going to the Improv on Friday with the CHOA group.

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