Wednesday, March 21, 2007


1:20 AM. Not too bad. I have never been much for pulling all-nighters though. I prefer getting work done as quickly as possible. I need my eight hours (or ten). The cats are also in the office. They are sticking it out with me. Scuro was meowing at me from downstairs earlier saying, "where the heck are you? Why aren't you in bed?" Ra was sleeping on the foot stool, but I picked him up and put him on the papasan chair. He promptly fell back to sleep. I put the stool under my desk since I was in deep concentration trying to finish up my research proposal. I think this has been one of my most productive semesters yet thanks to the professor I have been working with. It also helps that I have been working and travelling less.

My friend Pietro is trying to convince me to visit him in Dallas for his birthday. Pietro was a PhD student at UF when I was an undergrad; he is from Italy. He was living over seas but recently relocated to Texas. I haven't seen him in probably . . . six years. Somehow we have managed to loosely keep in touch. It would be interesting to see him. We never really hung out before because I had a boyfriend at the time. So we will see. This semester is pretty busy, but maybe.

I had Chris take some pictures of me when my make-up was still done. He thinks I am crazy, I am sure. He is a sweetie pie though. I made cookies earlier and had him take the last batch out of the oven. He brought two of them up to me with a gladd of milk. That is what I call a good roommate. I have to remember to make sure he turned the oven off though.

Here is a picture of me and the last guy I kissed:

1 comment:

liraelwiddershins said...

Ra is such a sweetheart.