Monday, March 26, 2007

The Years that Pass You By

I submitted by renewal FAFSA this morning and procrastinated by sorting through a stack of paperwork. I called to have them send me a new US Airways VISA since I can't seem to find the one they sent me originally. I would cancel it, but I paid a $90 annual fee, so I might as well try to use it. I have two companion flights for $99 if anyone wants to go somewhere this summer (with me). Got some random stuff done on-line. I cleaned the litter box. I went to the store and bought $100 in groceries, but I had a $20 coupon. Go me. I figured since I have all this food now, I invited Kevin over for dinner. I am making a roast beef. I might make potatoes with it. I haven't decided yet. Been IMing with Joel about nothing off and on all day.

I need to buckle down and do some research now. Bah!

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