Tuesday, March 20, 2007

One Cat

Orange cat, two seems to make his rounds to the upstairs bedroom at night to make sure Chris gets adequate nightly attention.

Tony is out of town. You can tell because Kim is blogging at 2 AM in the morning. They are moving to Chicago soon, and she has been busy packing. The physical aspect of moving is never fun.

I was trying to convince my mom to go to California with us in June/July. I think she would really enjoy seeing her brothers and sisters. I think, in some ways, she stays away because being back in San Francisco brings back bad memories of hard times in her life. However, I know she really does love her brothers and sisters. Hopefully she will decide to go. If she does, I want to find a way to help pay her way to get there. She has been spending a lot of money fixing up her new place. A lot of money she doesn't really have. Usually, I would frown on something like that, but I think it is okay this time. She deserves to live in a nice place; it has been waay over due. She works really hard and is a good person. She has had a harder life than any one of us three girls, I think. She is stronger than I would ever be. I feel guilty that I didn't do something to better her situation earlier. It took the actions of my ex-boyfriend to get her into a nicer place. Life is funny that way. I can't believe how much a little change like getting to live in a bigger and a bit nicer place made a difference in her life.

Mike is off to Japan for two weeks for work. Before he left, he took me to see Ru, the Australian shephard puppy he is bringing home in April. Soo cute. I actually got to see the whole litter and the mom and dad at the breeder's place. I got multiple puppy scratches, bites, and an occasional hair pulling. Puppies are so adorable. Kirk and I are supposed to take Sable to the nursing home again this Saturday.

I am thirsty. Ahhh. I just got a bottle of water. All better now except I will have to go to the bathroom again soon. Talk about an over-active bladder.

Scuro is now getting bathed by her brother. He spoils her so badly. Chris's alarm is going off upstairs. I usually don't hear it when I am asleep. He has to get up soo early. Poor guy. I bought him three packs of cookies yesterday when I went to the store. He is a great roommate. I am trying to make more time to hang out with him. We are going to a movie on Thursday. Maybe the Astronaut Farmer or Wild Hogs.

I am taking my first ever Glamour Shots today. I am supposed to bring two outfits with me, and I am not quite sure what to bring. At least if these don't turn out, I still have some good pictures from the cruise. Yeh! I have some packages ready to send out, but I am procrastinating on actually sending them. On-line USPS shipping labels are a wonderful thing. I have shipped more packages this year than I have in my whole life. The post office is just too far away (meaning not in my house).

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