Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Carnival Lied!!!

I was able to scan the pictures I bought from Carnival without getting the watermark. I knew they were lying. Sooo awesome!! Yay! I am happy now.

I have to shower before Jay gets here for lunch. I cancelled my appointment this morning because I was up until 2:30 AM. I was playing around on the computer, and Mark IMed me for the first time in two and a half months. It was good, yet ambivalent, to hear from him.

Today is a catch up day, and tomorrow I am on campus. I am catching up with some of my friends this weekend for St. Patty's Day. Mike is going to be blind all weekend due to the laser eye surgey. Just thinking about it makes me queasy. Ick.

Just saw Chris; he came home from lunch. I showed him some of the pictures. My mom is probably going to get the majority of the printed photos since she can't view them on-line. Kim, if you see one you like, let me know which one you want me to send you. I need to send Lisa some new pictures. I think the most recent ones she has of me are from high school.


liraelwiddershins said...

I remember when you bought that orange dress... :-)

I like the second piano one with the rose on the piano.

liraelwiddershins said...

Was wondering -- was the Liberty one of the non-smoking ships? Or a smoking one?

I don't want to go on a smoking one again! :-)