Friday, March 02, 2007

Kick But No Fruit

Gotta love good, old friends. Liz, Mike, Joel, and I went out to dinner. At one point, we all started speaking in the very little bit of Spanish that we knew. At another point, Liz was talking about how she liked her alcohol fruity with a kick. Then Joel said he liked the kick without the fruit, so I reflexively kicked him. Anyone else would have gotten mad at me, but he just laughed. Ah, it is good to see everyone.

I slept on the plane, so that was nice. I am currently getting a shoulder massage which is really nice. Joel and Liz both remembered how I would start back massage groups in high school even though I knew them from different schools. At least I am consistent, I guess.

Picking Ann up from Marlena's at 9:30 AM, and Joel is driving us to Ft. Lauderdale. Ann wants to pick up alcohol on the way to bring on the cruise ship. She says it will be less expensive that way. I never really think about things like that.

I feel for certain that I didn't pack enough clothes, but I guess I will be all right. I plan to take a lot of pictures! I am typing this from Joel's computer and have been checking my email via my phone before I had access to the actual internet. I am staying in a dorm room, I believe, for the first time ever in my life. There are random military accessories everywhere, but it is relatively unscary.

Anyway, I will probably wake up at 4 AM like always to blog, so I better get going. Hugs.

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