Saturday, March 24, 2007


Who came up with the names for the days of the week? Let me refer to Google . . .

English "Planet"
Monday Moon
Tuesday Mars
Wednesday Mercury
Thursday Jupiter
Friday Venus
Saturday Saturn
Sunday (Sun)

And there you have it. Poor Pluto always gets left out. And Uranus, someone just needs to rename that planet. Well, that was kind of boring. I thought it would be something neat. Monday = Mundane because you have to go back to the daily grinder. Friday = Fried from the long week. Saturday = Sat around all day because it is the weekend. Sunday = Son because of Jesus and the Sabbath. I don't know. I am a dork.

Going to sit at a park somewhere and grade papers today. I think I will see if I can fall asleep for a little bit longer first.

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