Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Love Stinks, Yeah Yeah

The chance of a double coincidence never seems to work out in my favor. I don't want to be with the guys that want to be with me . . . and I want to be with the guys that don't want to be with me. Do the rest of you find this to be a problem? God, can you please help out here?

I guess I can at least be thankful that the ratio of guys I do like to guys I don't is extremely low. (Going along with my extreme pickiness.) I would estimate that it is about . . . 1/6. (I won't tell you if I have reduced my fraction or not though!) Otherwise, I would just be a complete loser. As it is, I am just unlucky. And I am not being mean about the guys that I don't like. I mean, it just happens or it doesn't. I know guys hate being put in the "friend" zone. Myself, I don't think I have been put in the friend zone before. Guys either love me or hate me most of the time.

Abrupt change of subject . . .

I am paranoid that moquitoes are getting in the house because the windows are open. They can bite me all they want, but I don't want them biting the cats. One wormy mosquito can be life threatening. I have some Canadian Revolution that I bought on the Internet, but I am cynical that it is really the product I bought. It smells pretty much like rubbing alcohol. Ra hates when I put that stuff on his neck anyways. Maybe I will just close the windows and turn on the air conditioning.

Anyway, I am done with my data analysis for tonight. I am on campus all day tomorrow. Luckily, I don't have to prepare a lecture because I am giving an exam.

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