Thursday, March 29, 2007

Crazy Busy

I have had a very busy day. First, my Glamour Shot pictures are ready to pick up. Second, Chris and I are going to a Young Professionals (22-33) Mixer with CHOA tonight. Third, I am working for work and trying to see if I still have a job. Fourth, I handled some stuff for the accident that hurt Pearl yesterday. Fifth, I signed up to volunteer with Hands on Charlotte. Sixth, I have been talking with another company about a possible research opportunity this summer. Seventh, I signed up for a Muddy Fun Day. Eighth, I bought John Mayer tickets. Ninth, I bought the Treo 700p and a new cell plan. Tenth, I did a whole bunch of other stuff that would be too much to divulge on my blog while I am so crazy busy today.

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