Sunday, March 18, 2007

Eh Ho-Hum

I had a lazier day than I anticipated today. I got a bit of work done, but not nearly enough. I did book a ticket to visit my relatives in California from June 28 - July 7th. I have an aunt who is really sick, and it is important that we get to see her. Lisa and family are going out too. Hopefully Kim and Tony can make it, but he is planning a big surprise for her on their 10th anniversary (June 28th) which is also Lisa's birthday. Which is also the day Mark and I met. So they might have to go another time.

Ra's birthday is coming up April 1st. He is going to be seven years old. I can't believe it. He still acts like a kitten to me. However, it did take him a few years to perfect his porn star pose.

I just made a banana, lemon juice, and cinnamon milkshake. It was pretty good, but I forgot to crush any ice in it so it was a little warmer than I had imagined it would be. I had a salad for dinner (just now), so I have an almond stuck between my teeth.

Joel and I might go camping when he comes up in April. I have been wanting to go camping for quite some time now, but it has been pretty cold. Plus, I don't have any camping gear. We will have to see what we can come up with.

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