Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Daily Grind

Well, I am back to the daily grind, and I am getting a little depressed about it. Let me try to focus on some things I have to look forward to:

-Thursday, movie - Bridge to Terabithia
-Friday, dinner with friends
-Saturday, St. Patty's party
-Sunday, Church
-Next Monday, volunteer activity
-Next Tuesday, Glamour Shots
-Next Saturday, pet therapy with Kirk
-Next Sunday, self defense class
-April, Joel was going to come visit, but unconfirmed
-April, CHOA event
-May, official end of PhD coursework
-May, trip to Tampa for Joel's graduation
-June, trip to San Francisco to see family
-July, Francis visit for friend's wedding

So some things I want to add to this list:

-Camping trip
-More volunteer activities
-Cookout at my place
-Paint upstairs hall
-Paint guest/exercise room
-Visit mom in her new place
-Trip to the Smoky's
-Trip to OBX

1 comment:

liraelwiddershins said...

You forgot "Visit Kim & Tony in Chicago" :-)