Sunday, March 18, 2007


When I was a little kid, I think it was either mom or Kim who told me that if you got a bump on your tongue (a raised taste bud) that it meant you told a white lie. I got one tonight, so I have been trying to figure out what white lie I must have told. Of course, according to mom and Kim, the Flintstones also live in my mouth, so I don't know how credible my sources are.

Went out with some friends tonight. Amber is going home in the morning. I am sleepy. Big yawn.

I have horrible dandruff right now. I guess my scalp got sunburned on the cruise. Now I am brushing out all this dead, peeling skin. Sexy, I know.

I better get some sleep tonight. I have to do homework tomorrow. It is cold here tonight and Marvin isn't cutting it. I have an electric blanket, but I washed it in the washing machine once, so I am paranoid about plugging it in.

Chris is the best roommate ever. I am so lucky to have found him; I have to figure out something nice to do for him soon. I think we are going to go watch a movie next Thursday.

Today was a good day. Thank you, God!

1 comment:

liraelwiddershins said...

Er, not me. Never heard that tastebud one before. And you know Barney's back there, hiding behind your molar.