Saturday, March 31, 2007

Peaceful Warrior

Just saw the Peaceful Warrior; I thought it was really good. At least it had some pretty good messages. Went to On the Border for dinner and had Empanadas with queso and sour cream. I have started to weigh myself again every morning to stay conscious of what I am eating each day. I didn't eat well today, but I would have eaten more had I not weighed myself.

Joel is going to be in town next weekend, and I think we are going to try to go camping.

I have been really sleepy all day today. I think I am just going to go to bed and watch a movie. I have to do homework all day tomorrow. That reminds me; Bennett was going to come over tomorrow to see if he can do anything with the tub front. I need to measure the dimensions for him sometime in the morning.

I gave Ra his birthday present early. I got him a pink catnip mouse. He has already hidden under the couch at least once. Happy 7th birthday Ra!


They have live Improv Friday and Saturday nights at the SK Net Cafe done by the Charlotte Comedy group. I went with a CHOA event and brought a friend; they were pretty good. They weren't Who's Line is It Anyway? caliber, but it was a good show for $10.

Yup, I am up again in the early AM. Don't feel sorry for me though because Chris has already gotten up and left for work. I don't know how he does it. I am certainly not a morning person.

I am going to hang out with Muhammed for lunch. I think we are just going to relax at my place and watch a movie. Maybe we should get out to a park instead if the weather is nice. I think I am going to see Peaceful Warrior with Mike later in the evening. I am not sure because he gets in from Japan/Singapore/Taipei sometime this morning. I also have to get a lot of research done this weekend. My prof wants to submit our paper to a journal in the next week or so.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Friends and Lovers

It is stressful sometimes because I push away good guys that I would like to be close friends with because I don't want to hurt them. I can't tell if they are okay with friendship or would only be happy with something more. There is probably one one guy that I only have a romantic interest in that otherwise I would not care to be his friend. Other than that, I wish I could be friends with all the men in my life. Was When Harry Met Sally right when Billy Crystal said that men and women can't be friends? Argh.


I dreamt that some fat girl called me fat, and I got really upset. Now I have to go on a diet again. I also had another really weird dream about Ryan. I think he and his family were have snails or something. Very weird. I am working today then going to campus for seminar. Nothing too exciting to report on today.

Maybe I AM a Guy

Just read this article about women having low libidos (this isn't a G rated post, so no kids!). I guess I never realized this view on the general population. I definitely would rather have sex than chocolate. I mean, I am usually the one dragging the guy to the bedroom in my relationships. Maybe I am just weird. Now that being said, I am really not looking to have sex anytime soon. I do believe that God meant for it to be something shared between a husband and wife and when shared otherwise, it causes more harm than good.

Ouch, I have sleep in my eye. At least it is in my left eye which I don't really use for much of anything. I am looking up on-line degrees for Chris. He is thinking about going back to school.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Last Kiss

"I love her, Stephen. I realize now I love her more than I will ever love anybody else"
"Stop talking about love. Every asshole in the world says he loves somebody. It means nothing"
"But it's true"
"It still doesn't mean anything. What you feel only matters to you. It's what you do to the people you say you love, that's what matters. It's the only thing that counts. And you did do this thing, right?"
He nods and says: "I just saw the rest of my life, and there were no more surprises. This was it. I mean, it was great... But it was it"
"What makes you think this isn't gonna happen again?"
"I know it won't"
"Oh, right"
"Come on! Aren't we supposed to be able to learn from our mistakes? I did something horrible, but I learned from it. I met this little brunette and I faltered. Are you telling me that throughout your entire marriage you never faltered?"
Stephen stays quiet
"You haven't? Never?"
"Oh, that makes me feel great"
"You think it's because I wasn't tempted? You think that this woman is the last brunette that's ever gonna let you know that she wants you? Look at me. I haven't met my last brunette"
"She's the last one I'm gonna kiss. I'm in love with your daughter, Stephen. And maybe that doesn't mean anything to you, but I'm standing here. You're her father. I'm looking you in the eyes and I'm telling you, I will do anything in the world to get your daughter back"
"Really? Anything?"
"I'll do anything"
"People say that. They don't mean it"
"But I mean it"
"Well, it's very simple. Just do whatever it takes"
"It's that simple?"
"Yes. You can't fail if you don't give up."

Crazy Busy

I have had a very busy day. First, my Glamour Shot pictures are ready to pick up. Second, Chris and I are going to a Young Professionals (22-33) Mixer with CHOA tonight. Third, I am working for work and trying to see if I still have a job. Fourth, I handled some stuff for the accident that hurt Pearl yesterday. Fifth, I signed up to volunteer with Hands on Charlotte. Sixth, I have been talking with another company about a possible research opportunity this summer. Seventh, I signed up for a Muddy Fun Day. Eighth, I bought John Mayer tickets. Ninth, I bought the Treo 700p and a new cell plan. Tenth, I did a whole bunch of other stuff that would be too much to divulge on my blog while I am so crazy busy today.

You're Gonna Love Me

If you haven't seen the movie Dreamgirls yet, you really should.

I, unfortunately, am not a dreaming girl. I am a very much awake girl. I have slept off my headache, however. Funny enough, Joel and I are IMing back and forth at 3:57 AM. He is up working on some sort of anthopology project. I am trying to make him think of something interesting for me to blog about. He has yet to respond. While he is thinking, XP is updating Charlotte (my laptop), not the city.

Joel Reynolds: the big question, why are you blogging at 4am
Joel Reynolds: what keeps you up at night

Wow, that was a good question. I am not sure if that is something I want to answer in a public forum.

Joel Reynolds: wow, I didn't know there was too personal for your blog

Oh, and so you guys thought that this was all there was to me, did you? Funny, I see that iceburg Pam is overwhelming enough! Anyway, I should probably try to get back to sleep soon.

On a side note, I did find Kim's new "Going to Chicago" blog, and they seem to being fine starting out on their new adventure. Good, good.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Headache :-(

I give my exam in about an hour. I should finish grading the rest of their group assignments, but my head hurts too much. I need a nap. I just drank half a bottle of water, so that means I am going to have to go to the bathroom 5 times. I swear my body produces more liquid than it takes in.

Going to see the Peaceful Warrior this weekend. If you click on the link, you may still be able to get free tickets thanks to Best Buy. It looks like a pretty inspirational movie.

I am contemplating taking a nap in my office, but I know I won't wake up in time to get to my classroom before the students start to leave. I should probably try to go and get something to eat.

What Goes Around

I don't believe that what goes around comes around. I am not a believer that good things will happen to good people and bad things will happen to bad people, at least in this lifetime. The world is simply not that fair.

I stopped by the store on the way to campus to pick up donuts for my students to lighten the blow of the exam; as I was backing out, Pearl got hit by this huge pick up truck. I have never gotten into an accident before. The damage wasn't that bad, but a dent in the bumper pretty much. It is just annoying is all.

So I am on campus now. I spent the last hour or two grading papers, and I am now taking a break. I have class in about half an hour and need to go to the third floor a little early to make copies of the exam I am administering tonight.


My de facto standard is getting work done, so let me make sure I am planning to actually live a little. Here is what I have so far:

3/29 - CHOA Young Professional's Mixer with Chris
3/30 - CHOA Improv outing
3/31 - Lunch with Muhammed
4/1 - Ra's birthday
4/5 - 4/8 - Joel visit
4/21 - Cook out at John's
4/28 - Chris and Pam's cook out
4/29 - Boxing work out with friends
5/4 - End of Spring Semester ** No more coursework! **
5/4 - 5/7 - Tampa/Gainesville for Joel's graduation

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Love Stinks, Yeah Yeah

The chance of a double coincidence never seems to work out in my favor. I don't want to be with the guys that want to be with me . . . and I want to be with the guys that don't want to be with me. Do the rest of you find this to be a problem? God, can you please help out here?

I guess I can at least be thankful that the ratio of guys I do like to guys I don't is extremely low. (Going along with my extreme pickiness.) I would estimate that it is about . . . 1/6. (I won't tell you if I have reduced my fraction or not though!) Otherwise, I would just be a complete loser. As it is, I am just unlucky. And I am not being mean about the guys that I don't like. I mean, it just happens or it doesn't. I know guys hate being put in the "friend" zone. Myself, I don't think I have been put in the friend zone before. Guys either love me or hate me most of the time.

Abrupt change of subject . . .

I am paranoid that moquitoes are getting in the house because the windows are open. They can bite me all they want, but I don't want them biting the cats. One wormy mosquito can be life threatening. I have some Canadian Revolution that I bought on the Internet, but I am cynical that it is really the product I bought. It smells pretty much like rubbing alcohol. Ra hates when I put that stuff on his neck anyways. Maybe I will just close the windows and turn on the air conditioning.

Anyway, I am done with my data analysis for tonight. I am on campus all day tomorrow. Luckily, I don't have to prepare a lecture because I am giving an exam.

Data Analysis

I have been coding my survey responses for the last two hours. I think I am going to go cross-eyed soon. I updated my MySpace page using a template and updated my status to single . . . because I am (grumble, grumble). However, I keep getting all these friend requests that I keep denying. I don't use that site to pick up guys; I just want to keep in touch with my friends. Maybe I will have to go back to false advertising. Maybe I will just say I am married. Hey, the power of positive thinking . . . No, I am not looking to get married to just anyone. On the contrary, I am extremely picky. (Joel can attest to that.)

Kim . . . when are you going to update your blog and let us know how the move went?

I am going to the Improv on Friday with the CHOA group.


Good morning! It is a beautiful day out, and I have the windows open. I need to get quite a bit of homework done today.

Do the things that happen to us that we can't control become part of who we are? Or is it separate? For instance, if someone has a car accident and becomes crippled - is that part of who the person is now? Is there a way to live with a disability without accepting it as part of who you now are? I don't know. I know that you can't define yourself by it, but can you completely separate it from yourself when it has such an impact on how you live your life?

Scratching my head, not in confusion - it actually just itched.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Almost Tomorrow

I made roast beef, roasted potatoes, and creamed spinach for dinner. I have decided that I am not a creamed spinach fan. Kevin brought flowers and brownies over. Being the dork that I am, I went straight for the brownies. They were fudge swirl which I had never had before. They were good, but I think I prefer plain ol' fudge brownies. We watched the Butterfly Effect 2; it was pretty good. It wasn't as good as the first one, but it was okay. Instead of getting the good actors for this one, they just got the hot actors and had them have sex a lot. I guess that is one Hollywood trade-off.

I just checked out my blog stats, and I have multinational blog readership now. Woo hoo; Pam goes 'round the world. And I don't even have my passport yet!!


Patron of: the sun, heaven, kingship, power, light.

Appearance: a pharaoh wearing the sun disk on his head.

Description: Ra was the almost universally-worshipped king of the gods and all-father of creation. A sun god, he was said to command the chariot that rode across the sky during the day. A king, he was the patron of the pharaoh. Ra is the most central god of the Egyptian pantheon.

And for those who still can't pronounce Chiaroscuro:

chi·a·ro·scu·ro (kē-är'ə-skʊr'ō, -skyʊr'ō) pronunciation

The Years that Pass You By

I submitted by renewal FAFSA this morning and procrastinated by sorting through a stack of paperwork. I called to have them send me a new US Airways VISA since I can't seem to find the one they sent me originally. I would cancel it, but I paid a $90 annual fee, so I might as well try to use it. I have two companion flights for $99 if anyone wants to go somewhere this summer (with me). Got some random stuff done on-line. I cleaned the litter box. I went to the store and bought $100 in groceries, but I had a $20 coupon. Go me. I figured since I have all this food now, I invited Kevin over for dinner. I am making a roast beef. I might make potatoes with it. I haven't decided yet. Been IMing with Joel about nothing off and on all day.

I need to buckle down and do some research now. Bah!

It's Not Me, It's You

Waking up on a Mundane morning getting ready to get some work done. Joel had a dream that I was trying to feed him to the gators and cleaning fish. I would never clean fish! Yuck. The birds are drastically louder the last few days than the previous ones. I guess they are happy that Spring is here.

Anyone want to get some dinner tonight? I will be around.

Oh, by the way, Chris and I are having a cook out at my place on Saturday April 28th for those who are in town. Hopefully we will have good weather. Chris and Amber are flirting with each other on my evite RSVP. Too funny.

Menopause the Musical

Okay, I only have one more assignment that needs to be graded for my class. I need to finalize the exam before I give it on Wednesday. I have Monday and Tuesday to work on research. I think I am going to watch a movie in bed tonight since I am not sleepy from my nap.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Third Awakening

Okay, I just woke up from my nap. I did my taxes this morning. I only got $211 back for federal but had to pay $291 for state. So, I am out $80 for taxes this year. My federal tax rate was 12.71%. I also went to a self defense class taught by a friend of mine. He showed us joint locks and a few other moves. After that, we went to this Pan-Asian restuarant for lunch. I came back and took a nap. Another friend of mine is supposed to come over tonight to see if he can fix the front of my tub. I love my friends. :-)

I need to post some grades for my students tonight before they figure out where I live and decide to burn down my house.

Second Awakening

Ugh, my allergies are getting to me today. I woke up with a gunky throat. I am going to the self defense class at 1 PM. I want to try to get my taxes done before then. I am being bad; I should get up and go to church. I want to go to church, but I just don't want to get ready and drive there. I am also kinda between churches right now. The pastor at my church is leaving sometime.

I am slowly stretching the sleep out of my body.


Have you noticed how the more you have to chase someone, the less happier you know you will be once you actually catch them? I think we all like to be pursued. At the same time, we only want to be pursued by the people we would pursue ourselves. Tricky.

Maybe Kim will blog soon and let us know how the move went.

I want to go to Europe this summer. I have never been outside of the country save Canada and the cruise. Mark once promised to send me on a trip abroad even if we didn't work out. He probably doesn't remember that though!

I wish I could sleep through the freakin' night.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Seven Dwarfs

“Doing Ph.D. is like becoming all of the Seven Dwarfs. In the beginning you’re Dopey and Bashful. In the middle, you are usually Sneezy, Sleepy, and Grumpy. But at the end, they call you Doc, and then you’re Happy.”

Went to Jetton Park and graded papers today. After that, I went to a friend's for a cook out, and some of us went out on his boat. It was in the 80's today, but it was actually pretty chilly out on the water. I am stuffed with grilled hot dogs and red velvet cake.

I am pensive, and my tummy hurts.


Who came up with the names for the days of the week? Let me refer to Google . . .

English "Planet"
Monday Moon
Tuesday Mars
Wednesday Mercury
Thursday Jupiter
Friday Venus
Saturday Saturn
Sunday (Sun)

And there you have it. Poor Pluto always gets left out. And Uranus, someone just needs to rename that planet. Well, that was kind of boring. I thought it would be something neat. Monday = Mundane because you have to go back to the daily grinder. Friday = Fried from the long week. Saturday = Sat around all day because it is the weekend. Sunday = Son because of Jesus and the Sabbath. I don't know. I am a dork.

Going to sit at a park somewhere and grade papers today. I think I will see if I can fall asleep for a little bit longer first.

Friday, March 23, 2007


I am a sleeper that's for sure. Friday night before midnight, and I am already in bed. Went to Lonestar for dinner and hung out at Joker's dueling piano bar for a while. It was amusing. My tummy is full. I can't resist yummy yeast rolls that are really warm and served with soft butter. I ate the whole basket with dinner.

Wish I was being cuddled tonight.

Friday Night

Trying to decide what to do with myself on a Friday night. I went to a movie last night. Thought about going to the comedy club, but the one downtown is closed because it is moving. I am looking at the Observer's website and Creative Loafing. Charlotte really needs a better way to list what is going on in town. These sites waste my time.

Ooh, John Mayer is going to be in town August 1st. I am going! I am going to wait a bit to find someone to go with me and to buy the actual tickets, but I want to go!!

Charlotte doesn't really have that much going on for being as big of a city as it is.

I just made chocolate chip cookies. They are yummy.

I guess I should get back to work for about half an hour.

Hello World!

This is to all the amazing people I know . . .

Ra sputters instead of purrs
Scuro taps across the floor
Mom's baby, I'm always hers
Been taller than Kim since I was four

Lisa loves her kids so much
Tony cooks like a chef
To Steve the Gators are quite a rush
Watson is pretty much nearly deaf

Listen to the sad song that Mark wrote
Joel is the most stubborn one I've met
Francis is good with a thank you note
Jay's helping mom out with her rent

Tom is a writer by his art
Dave teaches little ones how to play
Jen has one of the biggest, loving hearts
And Kevin dotes on Dax all day

Ann seems to always get me drunk
Mike drives his fancy car
Muhammed would have no problem with a slam dunk
Midtown is Chris's favorite bar

Don, Matt, Simon, Riz, and Tim - some new friends from the cruise
Wendy, Kirk, Susan, Holly, Angela - friends in Charlotte here at home
Tausha, my oldest friend I will never lose
Pedro, Jamie, Melanie, and Adam who I visit when I roam

Too many people to possibly list
And a poet, you know I am not
So I will end by saying this . . .
Thank you, God for this lot!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Wild Hogs

Chris and I went to see Wild Hogs tonight. It was pretty funny. I worked today, and I ate way too much queso dip for lunch. That reminds me. Did you know that no Mexican restaurant in LA serves queso dip? None of them. You ask them for queso, and they look at you like you aren't even speaking their language.


It is funny. I have taken a lot of pictures (meaning I have had a lot of pictures taken of me) lately, and I look so incredibly happy. If someone didn't know me, they would just think I was this happy-go-lucky person. Thinking back, no matter how bad things were in my life, I always smiled for the camera, and often just for life. One of my favorite poems states, "laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone." I have learned how true that statement can be. People grow tired of you quickly when you are miserable all the time. They get fustrated when they can't ever seem to cheer you up. I am lucky that I do have a few good friends who are there for me no matter what. I still tend to put on a smile for the world. I don't like being alone. Solitude sucks.

The smiley face icon for Yahoo keeps disappearing from my system tray. I have to keep clicking on the application launch icon to see my buddy list. I am not a big chatter anyway though. People tend to find me pretty laconic during Internet conversations.

This weekend is Mark's 35th birthday weekend. Happy birthday, Mark! I love you.

Ra's birthday is coming up April 1st. He will be 7 years old. That means that Scuro is going to be 9 years old soon. Life passes by so quickly. I guess that is why I have always been in such a hurry. I just don't want to wake up one day and wonder where all the time went.

Ra Smells

I think it is time I clean out the litter boxes soon. The garage pretty much reeks, and Ra doesn't smell that great either. I have no idea how he manages to carry the smell with him and Scuro does not.

I have to wake up for work in a few hours.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I want to go see this next Tuesday, but it costs $65. Anyone want to go??

Tuesday, March 27 at 6:30pm

Belk Theater at Blumenthal Performing Arts Center
130 North Tryon St.
Charlotte, NC 28202
Get a map to Belk Theater courtesy of Google Maps*

Writer, teacher, activist, Holocaust survivor and Nobel Laureate, Elie Wiesel is one of the foremost advocates for peace and justice of our time. For ten years, his dedication to the advancement of human rights worldwide has inspired the work of The Echo Foundation here in Charlotte. On March 27, 2007, as Echo celebrates its 10th Anniversary, Professor Wiesel returns to Charlotte to speak Against Indifference. In that uniquely quiet, yet powerful voice which motivates world leaders and students alike, he speaks to the urgency of justice for all people, encouraging us to explore our own humanity and to take personal responsibility for the human condition.

Event photo © Peter Badge/Typos1 in coop. with Foundation Lindau Nobel prize winner Meetings at Lake Constance

For more information about Against Indifference, by Elie Wiesel, Nobel Laureate:
Please visit the Echo Foundation website. *

Broken Promises

The movie is over. It was pretty good but not a classic or anything. I have a stack of papers to grade this weekend. Maybe I can go to a park or something to grade them instead of grading them sitting here in the house. I need to get some sleep tonight so I can wake up and go to work. I don't know how long I am going to have a job, but I am not going to push the issue. I will just keep working until they either tell me to stop or stop paying me.


I just got back from teaching class. Chris and I are watching Annapolis. I could never be in the military. I would cry every day, I am sure. The new Beta version of Yahoo was throwing an XML parsing error all day today. I had to switch back to the older version.

Long Day

As you probably read, I went to bed rather late last night/early this morning. The people who come clean the house showed up at 8:30 AM. I slept on the couch as they cleaned around me. I have been on campus making up the next exam for the class I teach and preparing for today's lecture. I have tons of papers I still need to grade and return to the students. I have class at 3:30 PM, but hopefully we will get out early so I can at least grade one of the assignments before I teach. I am actually driving into work tomorrow. Jay said he needed me to come in for some reason. I didn't have a conflict accept Chris and I are going to go see a movie tomorrow night.

I will be on campus today until about 9 PM. I ate an early lunch before I came to campus, so I am starting to get hungry again already.


1:20 AM. Not too bad. I have never been much for pulling all-nighters though. I prefer getting work done as quickly as possible. I need my eight hours (or ten). The cats are also in the office. They are sticking it out with me. Scuro was meowing at me from downstairs earlier saying, "where the heck are you? Why aren't you in bed?" Ra was sleeping on the foot stool, but I picked him up and put him on the papasan chair. He promptly fell back to sleep. I put the stool under my desk since I was in deep concentration trying to finish up my research proposal. I think this has been one of my most productive semesters yet thanks to the professor I have been working with. It also helps that I have been working and travelling less.

My friend Pietro is trying to convince me to visit him in Dallas for his birthday. Pietro was a PhD student at UF when I was an undergrad; he is from Italy. He was living over seas but recently relocated to Texas. I haven't seen him in probably . . . six years. Somehow we have managed to loosely keep in touch. It would be interesting to see him. We never really hung out before because I had a boyfriend at the time. So we will see. This semester is pretty busy, but maybe.

I had Chris take some pictures of me when my make-up was still done. He thinks I am crazy, I am sure. He is a sweetie pie though. I made cookies earlier and had him take the last batch out of the oven. He brought two of them up to me with a gladd of milk. That is what I call a good roommate. I have to remember to make sure he turned the oven off though.

Here is a picture of me and the last guy I kissed:

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Glamour Shots

I spent a lot of money today. I went to New York and Company, Victoria Secrets, and Glamour Shots. Here is a pictures I took after I got home. The curl has fallen out of my hair, but my make up still looks pretty good. However, I am about to wash it off and take a quick nap. I am going to stay up late and finish a paper tonight, but I am exhaisted right now. I am not posting the other picture I took because it shows too much cleavage.

One Cat

Orange cat, two seems to make his rounds to the upstairs bedroom at night to make sure Chris gets adequate nightly attention.

Tony is out of town. You can tell because Kim is blogging at 2 AM in the morning. They are moving to Chicago soon, and she has been busy packing. The physical aspect of moving is never fun.

I was trying to convince my mom to go to California with us in June/July. I think she would really enjoy seeing her brothers and sisters. I think, in some ways, she stays away because being back in San Francisco brings back bad memories of hard times in her life. However, I know she really does love her brothers and sisters. Hopefully she will decide to go. If she does, I want to find a way to help pay her way to get there. She has been spending a lot of money fixing up her new place. A lot of money she doesn't really have. Usually, I would frown on something like that, but I think it is okay this time. She deserves to live in a nice place; it has been waay over due. She works really hard and is a good person. She has had a harder life than any one of us three girls, I think. She is stronger than I would ever be. I feel guilty that I didn't do something to better her situation earlier. It took the actions of my ex-boyfriend to get her into a nicer place. Life is funny that way. I can't believe how much a little change like getting to live in a bigger and a bit nicer place made a difference in her life.

Mike is off to Japan for two weeks for work. Before he left, he took me to see Ru, the Australian shephard puppy he is bringing home in April. Soo cute. I actually got to see the whole litter and the mom and dad at the breeder's place. I got multiple puppy scratches, bites, and an occasional hair pulling. Puppies are so adorable. Kirk and I are supposed to take Sable to the nursing home again this Saturday.

I am thirsty. Ahhh. I just got a bottle of water. All better now except I will have to go to the bathroom again soon. Talk about an over-active bladder.

Scuro is now getting bathed by her brother. He spoils her so badly. Chris's alarm is going off upstairs. I usually don't hear it when I am asleep. He has to get up soo early. Poor guy. I bought him three packs of cookies yesterday when I went to the store. He is a great roommate. I am trying to make more time to hang out with him. We are going to a movie on Thursday. Maybe the Astronaut Farmer or Wild Hogs.

I am taking my first ever Glamour Shots today. I am supposed to bring two outfits with me, and I am not quite sure what to bring. At least if these don't turn out, I still have some good pictures from the cruise. Yeh! I have some packages ready to send out, but I am procrastinating on actually sending them. On-line USPS shipping labels are a wonderful thing. I have shipped more packages this year than I have in my whole life. The post office is just too far away (meaning not in my house).

Monday, March 19, 2007


I get extra cuddly when I am sleepy, and I am very sleepy right now. I just brushed my teeth; I had pepper stuck between them. I had Outback take out for dinner, but I think they might have given me the wrong steak. I dunno. It was beef so it was pretty good.

I can't think very straight right now. I will probably write more around 4-5 in the morning.

How Forever Feels

I have to be on campus in an hour, so I don't have enough time to be productive beforehand. So I decided to blog. I took a hit to my self esteem last night, being called less trustworthy than a dog. Made me cry. Anyway, I am going to work on a paper today. I like working with the professor I have been working with. She makes it easier to get things done. I am big on clear, cut direction. I hate when a professor says that something needs to be revised but then doesn't bother telling what needs to be revised. How do you know you aren't revising the parts they actually liked?

I need to go to the store and get soft drinks and cat food. I probably need other stuff too, but it can wait. I really need to file my taxes on-line soon too. I don't think I will get much back this year.

I guess I could arrive at my meeting early.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Okay, I am ready for bed now.

I was thinking about how different people handle things. I tend to date guys who have a problem dealing with every day problems and live a life of constant fustration. However, they don't blink at eye when something major happens. On the other hand, I handle the little things pretty easily, but when it comes to the bigger things, I fall apart. So, in general, it is hard to understand where the other person is coming from because we all handle things differently. I have always been willing to help out with the little things, but in return, I need help with the bigger things sometimes. I am not in search of someone who is just like me. I don't think I have met anyone anywhere close to being like me. It isn't a requirement as long as they can acknowledge who I am as well.

BTW, who the heck lives in Walnut, California?

Eh Ho-Hum

I had a lazier day than I anticipated today. I got a bit of work done, but not nearly enough. I did book a ticket to visit my relatives in California from June 28 - July 7th. I have an aunt who is really sick, and it is important that we get to see her. Lisa and family are going out too. Hopefully Kim and Tony can make it, but he is planning a big surprise for her on their 10th anniversary (June 28th) which is also Lisa's birthday. Which is also the day Mark and I met. So they might have to go another time.

Ra's birthday is coming up April 1st. He is going to be seven years old. I can't believe it. He still acts like a kitten to me. However, it did take him a few years to perfect his porn star pose.

I just made a banana, lemon juice, and cinnamon milkshake. It was pretty good, but I forgot to crush any ice in it so it was a little warmer than I had imagined it would be. I had a salad for dinner (just now), so I have an almond stuck between my teeth.

Joel and I might go camping when he comes up in April. I have been wanting to go camping for quite some time now, but it has been pretty cold. Plus, I don't have any camping gear. We will have to see what we can come up with.

Luau Pam

I am such a dork.

Slow Motion

I have done some work on my paper and graded one of the three class assignments I have to grade. The rest of the papers are in my office on campus, so I can grade those Wednesday during office hours.

I am sluggish today. I am going to hop in the shower now to see if that helps wake me up. St. Patty's was fun. Some people took some really good pictures, but I didn't bring my camera so I don't have any to post yet.

I Burped

I am toying with the idea of getting out of bed. I got up a for a bit to check email, say good bye to Amber, and talk to my mom. However, the bed tempted me, and I ended up sleeping for a bit longer. I need to get upstairs. First, I need to check and respond to my work email. Then I need to tackle some research. I am very happy with the tan I brought back from the cruise. I should go outside more often.


The kittens could be in danger! There has been a recall on Iams pet foods and other Menu Foods pet foods. It has caused kidney failure in some animals. They have almost finished the bag of food they have now, so I think they are all right. It is just scary that something like that could happen. Whew, I just read that it is for wet foods only, at least for cats.

Kim! Check to make sure Harley and Grace aren't affected. I know you feed them wet foods sometimes.


When I was a little kid, I think it was either mom or Kim who told me that if you got a bump on your tongue (a raised taste bud) that it meant you told a white lie. I got one tonight, so I have been trying to figure out what white lie I must have told. Of course, according to mom and Kim, the Flintstones also live in my mouth, so I don't know how credible my sources are.

Went out with some friends tonight. Amber is going home in the morning. I am sleepy. Big yawn.

I have horrible dandruff right now. I guess my scalp got sunburned on the cruise. Now I am brushing out all this dead, peeling skin. Sexy, I know.

I better get some sleep tonight. I have to do homework tomorrow. It is cold here tonight and Marvin isn't cutting it. I have an electric blanket, but I washed it in the washing machine once, so I am paranoid about plugging it in.

Chris is the best roommate ever. I am so lucky to have found him; I have to figure out something nice to do for him soon. I think we are going to go watch a movie next Thursday.

Today was a good day. Thank you, God!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

St. Patrick's Day

Well, I didn't get any school work done, but I think I got most of what I needed done for work done. Amber is taking a nap, and we are going out tonight. Let me fill in my time sheet before I forget . . . Okay, done.

I showered this morning, but I have to go see if my pony tail has given me a weird cowlick. Yes, the joys of being a woman.

More Pirated Materials

This is someone's definition of love that I found:

The commitment to knowing someone in every possible
way -to falling in love with more than the idea - more
than the ideal - to see the day to day partner -
recognize when they're crazy and when they're sane,
when they seem close and far - to support their growth
and change as your own - and to continually pray that
they share the same commitment - to falling in love -
and out of love - over and over - amen.


Here I am! It is just me and the orange guy hanging out here in bed. I ought to be productive since I am awake, but I think I will just randomly blog instead. I had a really cute picture of me taken at dinner last night. I have to figure out how to get that so I can post it later. Don't worry, I am not full of myself. (Anymore than the normal person.) I just like having pictures of me when I am still relatively young - before I am old and wrinkly.

Ugh, my tummy is upset. I had ribs, wings, fried green tomatoes, and cheesy garlic bread for dinner last night. Maybe that wasn't the best choice. The wings weren't very good; I didn't like the sauce. I went shopping for healthy food the other day, so I will be eating better soon.

Once I catch up from my vacation, I will be in better shape. Hopefully I will be able to do that by Tuesday. My game plan (using for my own reference):

Saturday: Log on for work, work on revising my paper (the parts I already have written but need to reorganize). Send professor research framework for feed back. Call Prietula to see if I should register for conference in Palo Alto. St. Patty's party.
Sunday: Go to church. Maybe try the single's ministry at Hickory Grove? Revise paper, parts that I have to do additional research for.
Monday: ACM-W meeting. Call in to work to transition project to QA. Grade papers. Visit with Ru.
Tuesday: SLC Meeting, Glamour shots appointment (cheesy, I know). Finish paper revision for both EIT and technology-productivity papers.
Wednesday: Grade more papers. Be home for maid service. Office hours, class, and teach. Turn in both papers.
Thursday: Work.
Friday: Research seminar. Work.
Saturday: Pet therapy.
Sunday: Church. Self defense class.

So it looks like I can plan something fun for Thursday through Friday. Maybe I will check out what CHOA has going on. Ooh, they have a swing dancing class on Thursday. They also have a informational event to learn about things to see in NC, but it is currently full. I added myself to the waiting list though. There is a free belly dancing class next month, but I think I am too chicken for that.

I guess I should try to get back to sleep now that I have planned my week.

Where is my armpit?

Maybe I should just live on a cruise ship, and I would be able to get more sleep. I thought about putting in a movie to watch, but that would just keep me up longer. I guess I forgot to not drink caffeine after late afternoon. I had diet coke tonight.

Ooh, I just found a relationship checklist on Yahoo. Not sure if I agree, but interesting nonetheless.

1. Kids or no kids? KIDS
2. Smoking or no smoking? NO SMOKING
3. Drinking or no drinking? (Same for drugs) MODERATE DRINKING/NO DRUGS
4. Religious beliefs: Match? Blend? Clash? BLEND
5. Who works? Who stays home (especially when the kids come along)? BOTH
6. Who wants to live where? NOT PARTICULAR
7. Who controls the checkbook? NOT PARTICULAR
8. What is his/her personal relationship with his/her family? Too distant? Too close?
Too weird? Appropriate to your standards? CLOSE BUT NOT COMPLETELY A MOMMA'S BOY
9. How are holidays spent? At home? With family? Alone? Vacationing? WITH FAMILY/VACATIONING
10. Windows opened or closed? Heat/AC on or off? WINDOWS CLOSED, A/C ON
11. What side of the bed must you (he/she) sleep on? RIGHT (FACING BED)
12. Where to spend vacations? Leisure time? TRAVELLING
13. Sick: Left alone or babied? BABIED
14. Appropriate gift giving: birthdays? Yuletide holidays? Special occasions? ALL THE TIME
15. Who does what around the house? UH, HOUSEKEEPER?
16. What is acceptable hygiene? BATHE DAILY
17. What are his/her hobbies, pastimes? VARIED
18. Preferences: Music? Movie? Book favorites? OPEN
19. Favorite foods? I AM THE PICKY ONE
20. Pets or no pets? What kind? PETS!
21. Decisions about the children: School, church, discipline, allowance,
extra curricular activities, friends, and curfew? TBD
22. Mealtimes: Early or late? LATE
23. Furniture: Vintage or Contemporary? CONTEMPORARY
24. Sleeping habits: Four hours or eight? EIGHT

It also says to look at:

How does your new love handle a crisis? Behave in public places? Treat your friends and family? I also think you can tell a great deal about your new mate by the way he treats his mother and how she treats her father.

Anyway, I should try to get some sleep. Happy St. Patty's Day!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Every Moment Marked

My friend Amber is staying over the night in the guest room. We went out to dinner tonight with some friends. I don't get to see her that often because she lives in Highpoint.

It got cold very quickly today after it rained; I don't think I am cut out for the cold. The cats aren't that big into the cold weather either (as Scuro is trying to find her way under the covers).

I guess I don't have much to say tonight. I am pretty tired from the week and have a few deliverables due next week. I don't even want to think about the stack of papers I have to grade. Oh boy.



I just committed myself to working Saturday afternoon for a deadline we have for a project Monday. I also have tons of writing I have to do on my interorganizational electronic integration paper. So, I am going to be having fun this weekend. Ugh.

You Humble Me Lord

Listening to Norah Jones and logged into work. Waiting on a documentation clarification. I had a roast beef sandwich for lunch. It is going to be cold tonight.


Nothing good happens in the wee hours of the night. No emails, no blog visitors, no MySpace comments, no brokerage account changes, no message board posts, no nothing. I was up around 2 AM and now, still nothing going on. There is a cat snoring at the end of the bed. Earlier, there was one purring and digging to find her way under the covers. It is warm here under the covers. I miss soft, fluffy pillows and down comforters. I need a new bed. I wish I could sleep through the night.

Anyway, earlier today - er, I guess, yesterday, it was mentioned that I was difficult. Just to clarify for anyone who is still debating about this, yes, I truly am difficult. And, I will help delineate some of the ways in which this is true:

I rarely order directly off the menu. I will embarrass you in front of any waiter. And, I will ask for ketchup with my steak. Sharing meals is no longer an option. I usually shuffle food around on plates without warning. I will most likely not let the unsaid go unspoken. I will challenge people to speak what is really on their minds. Pam = Option Strict, Option Explicit. I often delve into who people really are underneath which makes them uncomfortable. I am sarcastic, at times, and have been told I am a "smart ass." (Quoted of course because I only swear when I am really mad.) I urge myself and others toward continuous self improvement. I am a perfectionist. When I do get sleep at night, I grind my teeth. I have this great combination of depression and anxiety where I can get both lethargic and antsy at the same time. I am one of the most impatient people you will ever meet. I only listen to the first 10 seconds of every voicemail before I delete it. I respond quicker to emails than phone calls. I plan everything, even my short bursts of spontaneity. I constantly seek human companionship so I usually have a boyfriend and always have lots of friends. I am horrible at taking criticism. I have a really short attention span and can usually only do one thing for a few hours at a time. I interrupt people when they are talking. I am overly critical and analytical. Like most women, I think I am fat. I rarely need personal space. I constantly seek love and attention. I don't ever really relax. My mind is always on. I hate to drive because I don't have depth perception. I cry when I am both sad or angry. I talk about my cats all the time. I don't have a problem asking other people to help me with random things. I generally know what I want and express my opinions. I don't let people take the easy way out. I have been called a pain in the butt. I am sleepy most of the time. Sometimes I talk to much and others I am too quiet. I am a touch cynical and tend to think of the worst case scenario. I don't have a very good personal filter and usually just speak/write what is on my mind. Hence, this blog.

So, yes, I admit I am difficult. I am also extremely caring, loving, silly, smart, some say pretty, and well accomplished. I can compromise and will do anything I can for the people I love. So some may say I am worth it anyway. Yes?

Thursday, March 15, 2007


I knew it was coming, but I cried anyway. Just saw Bridge to Terabithia. I didn't remember the book well enough to know how closely it followed it. It had strange parts but was pretty good overall.

I have a meeting on campus tomorrow, and I am working from home the rest of the day. Pretty boring, I know. I booked my ticket to go see Joel's graduation in Tampa from May 4 to May 7. He also booked a ticket to come visit me from April 5 to April 8. He gave me a coupon for a hike to a waterfall for my 26th birthday. Maybe I will cash that in when he is here. Hopefully it didn't have an expiration date on it.

My nails are getting too long; they are hindering my typing. I will have to cut them in the morning.


I stole this off of someone else's blog:

Every girl dreams that one day, she will find a boy that does these things for her. Even the smallest action can have THE BIGGEST impact in someone's life.


If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. There's only one 'reason' a man dumps you; he doesn't want you. Like from the show Sex and the City, if he doesn't call, he just isn't that interested :)


Ow, I got shot! I guess it was my own doing. I went to the doctor today, and now I am logged into work. 753 emails to go through. Not as bad as I thought it would be. I have a Ra cat on my right arm now which is making it exceedingly hard to type. I will write more later. Must remember to put the laundry in the dryer.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Rock Star Pam

No More, No Less

I weighed myself this morning, and I only gained 3 pounds on the cruise. Whew! I thought I had gained a lot more. So, now I need to lose 3 pounds to reach my New Year's resolution weight. I wouldn't mind losing 5 more, but I am not going to sweat it. I do need to get on the elliptical machine on a more routine basis. Mark gave it to me as a birthday present. No someone just needs to get me a personal trainer.

I guess I should give a PhD update. Since I am up to my elbows in it, most of the time, I don't really want to talk about it. I will be done with my coursework after this semester. I am taking comps in the fall along with dissertation credits. As of right now, I won't be teaching anymore classes until next spring. They don't have anything for me to teach summer or fall. I may try to see if I can pick up a class at one of the community colleges in the area. I currently have a 3.9 GPA. I got a B in a fluffy MBA course that I had to take. No biggie. I have presented at two conferences so far, and I recently submitted two more papers to another conference. I have chosen my dissertation topic and have started writing up parts of my proposal. It should take about a year and a half yo finish up my dissertation unless something bad and unexpected happens. That's pretty much it.

Here is an update on the family: Kim and Tony are moving to Chicago on March 24th. Mom and Watson moved into Jay's townhouse a week or so ago. Lisa, Steve, and the kids are never going to move. I did, however, get Lisa on the Internet to look at the pictures on my blog. She refuses to touch a computer. I made seven year-old Emily help her. I can't believe my neices and Nephew are getting so big. Unbelievable. Mom is still working at the optical at JC Penney. Kim has launched full-time into her career as a writer. Lisa is the typical soccer mom. I love my family.

I guess that's it for now. I will probably write more later when I am desperately trying to get some sleep.

Daily Grind

Well, I am back to the daily grind, and I am getting a little depressed about it. Let me try to focus on some things I have to look forward to:

-Thursday, movie - Bridge to Terabithia
-Friday, dinner with friends
-Saturday, St. Patty's party
-Sunday, Church
-Next Monday, volunteer activity
-Next Tuesday, Glamour Shots
-Next Saturday, pet therapy with Kirk
-Next Sunday, self defense class
-April, Joel was going to come visit, but unconfirmed
-April, CHOA event
-May, official end of PhD coursework
-May, trip to Tampa for Joel's graduation
-June, trip to San Francisco to see family
-July, Francis visit for friend's wedding

So some things I want to add to this list:

-Camping trip
-More volunteer activities
-Cookout at my place
-Paint upstairs hall
-Paint guest/exercise room
-Visit mom in her new place
-Trip to the Smoky's
-Trip to OBX


I have been barricaded into bed my two cats (and a laptop). I must plow my way out soon. I didn't sleep well again tonight. I guess I am missing my "womb" on the ship. I have office hours, class, and teaching today so it is going to be a pretty long day. I need a hug and a forehead kiss!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Taking Risks

Be careful who you hurt. I meet more and more scarred people who are afraid to take leaps of faith because they have fallen before. They tend to stay with what they know and where they are safe instead of risking what it takes to find what could really make them happy. I guess I can be like that sometimes too. The older we get, the more it happens. I don't know if I agree with the saying that it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. Most people look at 16 year olds who are madly in love and call them naive. In some ways, I think we are just jealous. I reread some of the old love letters I wrote Tom when I was 17, and I wish I could give of myself so freely now and maintain that complete absence of doubt.

We all like to think that our actions could never permanently damage the life of another. We are wrong. Yes, people can learn from being hurt, but I don't think getting hurt is actually healthy for any of us. The loss of hope is the nearest to death. Broken promises can be worse than physical harm. We all need to be careful with the hearts that we affect. None of us are perfect, but that is no excuse to be frivolous.


The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to good manners and elegance.

In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.

Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.

Libra - Your Love Profile

Your positive traits:

You are open minded enough to date outside your typical "type" ... successfully!
You are diplomatic - and likely to end a fight instead of dragging things out.
You are easily loyal and faithful, but only for the right person.

Your negative traits:

You're a bit gullible, and partners take advantage of you. You still may not know it.
You find it difficult to decide where to go to dinner, what movie to watch, who to date...
You have to be in a relationship, or else you just don't feel like yourself.

Your ideal partner:

A smooth talker who enjoys socializing as much as you to.
Someone classy and cultured who knows which wine to order with dinner.
Is beautiful to you - although not necessarily attractive in the traditional sense.

Your dating style:

Romantic. If your date comes bearing flowers, wine, and poetry... well, your heart soars.

Your seduction style:

Giving. Your lover's pleasure is as important as your own.
Soft and sensual - you don't like anything to be rough.
Extravagant ... your fantasy involves staying at a five star hotel with your love.

Tips for the future:

Don't be so quick to compromise in relationships - and you'll get taken advantage of yes.
Try being single for a while. Seems impossible, but you'll learn so much about yourself from doing so.
Make some decisions about your romantic life, right now. You'll be happy that you did.

Best color to attract mate: Green

Best day for a date: Wednesday

Your Brain is 47% Female, 53% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve

Your Love Type: INFJ

The Protector

In love, you strive to have the perfect relationship.
For you, sex is nearly a spiritual experience, a bonding of souls.

Overall, you have high expectations for any relationship you're in.
However, you tend to hold back a part of yourself.

Best matches: ENTP and ENFP

The Part of You That No One Sees

You are passionate, romantic, and emotional.
You put love first in your life, even though you have often been disappointed by it.
You expect to be swept of your feet, and you never expect infatuation to die out.

Underneath it all, you are scared that you aren't lovable.
Your insecurity has ruined many relationships, as you are unable to see the love that's really there.
You are secretly afraid of being alone. Confronting your insecurities is incredibly painful.


I am grumpy. I am sleepy and have a headache. I think my body is readjusting to being back on land/in Charlotte. Oh, by the way, here are pictures from the visit with my friends in Tampa. I love you guys!

Carnival Lied!!!

I was able to scan the pictures I bought from Carnival without getting the watermark. I knew they were lying. Sooo awesome!! Yay! I am happy now.

I have to shower before Jay gets here for lunch. I cancelled my appointment this morning because I was up until 2:30 AM. I was playing around on the computer, and Mark IMed me for the first time in two and a half months. It was good, yet ambivalent, to hear from him.

Today is a catch up day, and tomorrow I am on campus. I am catching up with some of my friends this weekend for St. Patty's Day. Mike is going to be blind all weekend due to the laser eye surgey. Just thinking about it makes me queasy. Ick.

Just saw Chris; he came home from lunch. I showed him some of the pictures. My mom is probably going to get the majority of the printed photos since she can't view them on-line. Kim, if you see one you like, let me know which one you want me to send you. I need to send Lisa some new pictures. I think the most recent ones she has of me are from high school.

Yummy, Thirsty

I had creme brulee tonight with extra carmelized sugar. Okay, the diet starts tomorrow. I slept pretty much all day today. I have to catch up with random things tomorrow. I am glad that we went on the cruise with the single's group. I have already gotten emails from Riz, Tim, and Matt. I need to send out an email to the rest of the group so they can get the link to the pictures I uploaded. I have to sync my phone with my laptop first though. Going to bed. I have an appointment on campus at 9 AM. I am going to lunch with Jay tomorrow as he passes through town. I have a Ra cat on the bed. Missed Chris tonight. I will have to catch up with him tomorrow.

Sweet dreams.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Cruise 2007 Photos

Here are all the photos I currently have for the cruise. I am sure I will get more from the rest of the people we met on the ship, but I will post those as I get them.

Pam's pictures (Includes some of Ann and Simon's photos)
Riz's pictures
Matt's pictures

Postscript: Tampa airport has free wi-fi. I love this airport!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

One More Picture


Good thing I dieted before the cruise. Now I will have to go back on the diet once I get home (after the crème brulee). The food on the cruise has been too good to refuse. I don’t have Internet minutes any more, so I am paying 75 cents a minute. I am typing this on-line to post once I am done. Today was a pretty lazy day at sea. I woke up and had a scalp massage with an oil treatment for my hair. Then I got a French pedicure. I went back to bed until quite past lunch time. I bought some pictures (yikes, $75 worth) that were taking by the cruise photographers. I ate dinner, hung out with some of the group, and watched an improv comedy show. I am back in the room now and plan to go to sleep soon. Tomorrow is another day at sea, and I am looking forward to getting back to the US on Sunday morning. Joel is picking me up from Ft. Lauderdale, and I am going to see some friends in Tampa before I fly back to Charlotte on Monday morning. Chris was awesome. He sent me some pictures of the kitties, and I am missing them big time. The sea has been rocking me to sleep, but there is nothing like the purr of a Scuro cat to make me feel at ease. I submitted two papers to the AMCIS conference while I was away on cruise. I have some papers I have to grade when I get back home, but hopefully I shouldn’t have to do too much catch up when I get back from vacation.

Mom has moved into her new place, so I am excited for her. I don’t know what Kim and Tony are up to these days. I am sure they are packing for Chicago. Who knows, when I graduate, maybe they will still be there, and I could look for a teaching position nearby. I miss hanging out with Kim and Tony. However, I have lost some weight since I haven’t been. I need to give Lisa and family a call once I get back. She is going to give me grief because I didn’t even tell her I was going on a cruise. I have hundreds of Yahoo email to check when I get back home. I have just been responding to my roadrunner and pamspam email addresses. I also left my main credit card at Outback in Tampa so I had to get a new card. So, I will have to switch the card number on all my automatic payments when I get home. So hopefully nothing really important is past due. Watch me get home, and Chris is without electricity or something. Oops.

Anyway, it has been a great trip even though it has been kinda long. It will be good to be back home.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Rock the Boat

Today was an awesome day. We took a trip from Tortola to Virgin Gorda to a place called the Baths. They are basically these huge rocks that form caves on the beach. I went snorkeling for the first time ever; however, I wasn’t good enough to go by myself. One of the guys in our group (Dan) is 6’ 5 ½’’ so I had him carry me around to snorkel. I had to hold my nose with one hand or else I kept gulping ocean water. I definitely need some more practice. We did see some cool fish and even saw a mollusk (I think) and a sting ray. I waved to the fishies. Heehee. We shopped around Tortola after that and got back on the ship. Tonight was disco night/70’s and 80’s night. I sang Kokomo and That’s What Friends are For with a group for karaoke. We all went to this disco party afterwards, and I danced up a storm. It was hilarious because they were giving away a bottle of champagne for this couples contest, and I somehow convinced them to pick my friend Simon. So he had to serenade me (as his wife) and got the bottle of champagne. It was soo funny. I am not quite sure how we pulled that one off. It is about 3 AM whatever time I am on right now, so I am going to go to bed. Ann is still out, but I knew I would get in trouble if I stayed out any later. There were at least five different guys who were offering to “walk me to my room”, but I am not big on the whole making out with strangers. I mean, what is the point in meeting someone on a cruise if you know you are just going to go home in a few days. I am looking for something long term. I do like the attention and to be valued though. I just need one good guy in the forever sort of way, and I will be happy. I don’t need to be the center of attention all the time if he makes me feel like the center of his world. We have already run out of minutes for the Internet, so we had to buy more. I am going to be living off of ramen noodles once I get back. Sheesh. We are getting pedicures in about 5 hours, so I better get some sleep.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Love Me!

I know I am on vacation guys, but show me some love. Need some attention. Send me some hugs and kisses via email. Running low on Internet minutes so gotta go. Waking up . . .

It's an Illusion!

I spoiled a guy's card trick tonight. After our nap, we went to dinner and an after party. I got mardi gras beads and to dance. I love dancing! Back in the room now. We had a bunny towel animal today. I would cuddle with it if it wouldn't fall all apart in the process. Going to bed so I can get up in time to go snorkelling tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


We shopped in Antigua today and went to the beach again. I have a bit more of a tan now. Tonight there is a wine tasting and single's party on the ship. I might take a nap before going out again though. We are going to go Snorkelling (I think of Tom every time I hear that word . . . ) tomorrow. I miss the kitties. Ra and Scuro, if you are reading this, I love you!!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Departing St. Thomas

We toured St. Thomas today. First, we went to Emerald beach. We laid out in the sun for a while then had lunch. It was a beautiful beach, and we were just in time to be in the front row for a beach wedding. Then we went downtown to the shops and found out that every store was a jewelry store. I’m not that interested in buying jewelry for myself. Men should buy jewelry for women. Then we went to a little flea market area where they were mostly selling knock off purses that were more expensive than a purse I would normally buy. We got back on the ship, and went to the pool. We decided to try out the waterslide, and I was surprised because it was salt water. Yuck! We had a Hawaiian night with the singles group. I sang karaoke for the first time to the Eagle’s Hotel California. I danced quite a bit and wore the lei on my head. I had fun . . . I didn’t like my first dinner, so I ordered a different one. That was so cool. I also ordered a French onion soup and just ate the topping because I could. Hehe. There was a Motown show tonight, and the guy was really good. Ann got sick from sushi today so she went to bed instead of going to the show. Good thing I don’t eat sushi . . . Anyway, I am off to bed now too. Hugs to those I would hug if I were home right now.

Some Pictures!

Ann and Pam in St. Thomas.

Me being a ham.
Ann and Pam in St. Thomas.

Pam and Ann for the life boat drill.

Pam in San Juan.

Breakfast in Bed

Been a long time since I have gotten breakfast in bed. I guess I should get room service at home. I am still sleepy, but I am trying to wake myself up since we are in St. Thomas already. I've gotten a little bit of sun but not too much. I was able to make a few calls home yesterday since we were in a US territory. I don't have cell service again today, yet. Watching the news. I have heard two stories about really young kids smoking out. This world is crazy.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Ship Blog Day 2

We visited San Juan today, but it was pretty late by the time we got here. So most of the shops were starting to close. Tomorrow, we are at St. Thomas. We have decided to take as many pictures as possible. Miss you!

Short Blog, Sleepy

Actually had dinner tonight and went to a mini broadway like show. The ship has been rocking a little more today than before. Half the people on the cruise ship are from Toronto. That is what I call irony. I had a chocolate soufflé for dessert. I am full and sleepy.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Pam and Ann’s Cruise Adventure

Saturday - We got off to a rocky start because we arrived at the cruise ship at 3:30 PM when it embarked at 4 PM. Somehow, travel went slower than anticipated and for the last half an hour, we thought we were going to miss the cruise for sure. Ann and I were freaking poor Joel out. He did a great job and got us here just in the nick of time. We got on the ship and to our room. We proceeded to do a life boat drill, and then we were off. There was a meet and greet cocktail hour since we are here with a single’s group. I had two fruit punches which Ann assumed were alcoholic. However, when she found out that it was just fruit punch, she was adamant that I have something to drink. As luck would have it, we passed by a free alcohol tasting. She poured a whole bunch of little ketchup cup fulls of alcohol in me with quite a bit of protest. We went back to the room and changed for dinner. By then, I was starting to get red and blotchy. We got to the dining room for dinner, and I was getting even worse. I kept insisting this Alaskan guy across from me looked Asian. And I was saying random things to the guy beside me. I do remember ordering lamb chops, but I never got a chance to eat them. I was about to pass out at the table, so I had the guy beside me carry me to the bathroom. I think I threw up on him. I don’t remember much after that, but I think Ann came and got me off the floor of the women’s room and brought me to bed. That’s all she wrote. This is the second time Ann thought it would be fun to see me drunk. She never quite realizes how little alcohol I can hold.

Sunday – I woke up rather late with a bit of a headache. Luckily, my body forces me to have instant hang overs and purges my itself of alcohol even before the majority ever hits my liver. So I wasn’t too bad this morning. Ann woke up at 6 AM (is she crazy?) and went to the gym (again, is she crazy??). I woke up and worked on my paper submission for the AMCIS conference (am I crazy?). We got a bit of breakfast when she came back; I was still in my pajamas. We caught up with the single’s group for lunch. After that, Ann went for a massage and spa treatment. I got to wear my new, sexy bathing suit and sat out by the pool with Simon, a guy from London in the group. After that I took meringue lessons. That was fun! I am back in the room again. We have a formal night tonight, and I don’t plan to have anything to drink no matter how much Ann wants to get me drunk!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Kick But No Fruit

Gotta love good, old friends. Liz, Mike, Joel, and I went out to dinner. At one point, we all started speaking in the very little bit of Spanish that we knew. At another point, Liz was talking about how she liked her alcohol fruity with a kick. Then Joel said he liked the kick without the fruit, so I reflexively kicked him. Anyone else would have gotten mad at me, but he just laughed. Ah, it is good to see everyone.

I slept on the plane, so that was nice. I am currently getting a shoulder massage which is really nice. Joel and Liz both remembered how I would start back massage groups in high school even though I knew them from different schools. At least I am consistent, I guess.

Picking Ann up from Marlena's at 9:30 AM, and Joel is driving us to Ft. Lauderdale. Ann wants to pick up alcohol on the way to bring on the cruise ship. She says it will be less expensive that way. I never really think about things like that.

I feel for certain that I didn't pack enough clothes, but I guess I will be all right. I plan to take a lot of pictures! I am typing this from Joel's computer and have been checking my email via my phone before I had access to the actual internet. I am staying in a dorm room, I believe, for the first time ever in my life. There are random military accessories everywhere, but it is relatively unscary.

Anyway, I will probably wake up at 4 AM like always to blog, so I better get going. Hugs.

Waking Up

Yawn! I am waking up and am sleeeepy. Must get out of bed and get going. I don't know if my phone will work while I am away on the cruise, but I hear that I should be able to get wi-fi (yeah!). So feel free to email me.

National Pig Day

In celebration of national pig day, I had a lovely meal cooked for me - filet medium well with blue cheese and a basalmic and honey demiglaze and asparagus . . . all wrapped in bacon. Yum. I love bacon.

I work tomorrow, then I fly out to Tampa for my cruise. I have paper revisions that need to be done before March 5th, so I will have to take some time on the cruise to do that. Not an ideal situation, but it is necessary. Maybe I can get some done on the plane and car ride to Ft. Lauderdale.

Anyway, it is past my bedtime. Life has been crazy lately.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Triple A's of a Great Relationship

Yahoo Article about relationships


Lacking Faith

Most things in life come with a bipolar opposite. I struggle with a lack of faith, but the reason I believe in God is this: When I am at my lowest point, I pray. When all my other resources have been exhausted, I still turn to Him. I don't just give up and kill myself. Somewhere it says something in the Bible like "God's strength is made perfect in our weakness." I think that is it. So in my strength, I tend to doubt. In my weakness, I still have faith.

Not sure why I decided to write about that, but that is what came out of the tips of my fingers this early morning before I go back to bed.

God, I just pray for your strength for myself and for others. We are a lost and desperate world trying to be strong when really we need to rely on you. Help us follow your path to avoid the pain and suffering we would otherwise find. Don't just love us; take care of us. Through Jesus, Amen.