Thursday, December 18, 2008
Catching Up
Happy to report that Mike has been feeling better. Still headachy and spasmy, but able to get some work done and do some of his own driving. I kicked him out of bed early this morning because I couldn't get any sleep because he was snoring so freakin' loud. I seriously had ear plugs in and still couldn't sleep! I was about to go sleep on the couch myself, but he was a sweetie and realized that I had to take my final today, so he let me stay in bed.
We have both been diagnosed with sleep apnea, but I don't know about the whole CPAP thing. Since I also have restless legs, I pretty much dance around too much in my sleep to be able to keep an oxygen mask on all night. They have other surgeries and appliances, but they aren't they most widely accepted treatment, so I know our insurance won't pay for them. Trying to get A's in my classes while I am getting a low B in sleeping. :-)
We have officially decided that we are too poor right now to continue eating out so much. So if anyone has any good recipes, let us know.
Done with Christmas shopping, I think. We aren't going to do Christmas cards this year, but I am going to try to convince Mike to do a mini Christmas video with me. We will see how that goes. He is pretty much a sucker for me, so I sure it will be posted on here in a few days.
In the meantime, here is a video of the cats and their Christmas presents from Autnie Kim. Thanks, Auntie Kim - we loved them!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Me, I am feeling pretty exhausted and stressed. I am behind in what I need to do for school, and I really just wanted to hit the ground running after we got back from the honeymoon. After all the set backs I was having with my old department, my new department has been a breath of fresh air. I just don't want them to think I am a slacker. :-( It has been difficult the last few months because we weren't sure if Mike could keep working, weren't sure if we would need to change our plans to have kids in a couple of years, etc. The economy crashing in the middle of it all didn't help much either.
But, overall, things are looking up. Mike is able to do more on his own now, and he is slowly getting back to work. I know money isn't the most important thing in the world, but it sure makes things worse if you don't have any.
Ugh, I am seriously about to fall asleep as I sit here typing. I swear coffee makes me sleepier than it does more awake. I hear that is a symptom of ADHD, but I am not going to bother to get diagnosed. I mean, all they would be able to do is give me Ritalin, and I already tried that for my hypersomulence, and it didn't do anything for me. It was supposed to help me stay awake/alert during the day, and I could take one and immediately take a nap. Sigh. Sometimes I think medication does more harm than it does good.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Core Dump
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Flopsy the Snowman
Christmas 006
Originally uploaded by pamela_j_karr
We call him Flopsy because he keeps falling over. We figured that we have been a bit depressed over Mike's illness, so we tried to show a little Christmas cheer. Comment from my sister:
Looks great outside ;-)
Inside you're a wee bit Scrooge-y. ;-)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Another Non-Update
Tuesday - Mike went to Baptist/Wake Forest for 3rd opinion Neurologist Appt. She didn't run any tests, but she is sending his doctor here a list of about 3 more tests he can run. Kinda disappointing but not a complete dead end.
Wednesday - We went to see Nona Patterson, a psychologist just to make sure we are staying healthy emotionally at least. It went pretty good for a first visit. There must've been a major pressure change with the rain today, we both had horrible headaches in the afternoon.
So, still no diagnosis for Mike. Good news: his dizziness is going away. Bad news: he is still getting bad headaches and muscle spasms. Overall though, I think he has gotten to the point where he is getting better instead of worse.
Got my new laptop. Exciting. Still using my old one until I can get everything transferred over.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
The Absence
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Today's Update
Thank God for health insurance.
Mike has pretty much stabilized so at least he isn't continuing to get worse. He can do 1-3 hours of work from home a day (maybe). After that, he is headachy, spasmy, and dizzy. He has taken up eating a banana a day. Maybe he is turning into a monkey . . .
I am doing okay. I have been scheduling Geoviz participants and writing my paper for my final project for Visual Analytics. Other than that, I have just been getting stuff done around the house that has to get done. Cats and dog are doing well. They don't particularly like having to go to the bathroom in the cold (dog outside, cats in the garage), but they haven't revolted in the house yet.
I feel 60 years old. We actually went to K&W Cafeteria this evening for dinner because I didn't feel like cooking. We went to church on Sunday, but we haven't been getting out of the house much (minus doctor's appointments), so I am missing socializing with my friends. Hugs to everyone! Feel free to stop by; we would enjoy some company. Don't worry, we will kick you out before you over stay your welcome. :-)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
God - He gave us everything we have that is good or perfect.
My family - Mike, Ra, Scuro, Ru, Mom, Watson, Kim, Tony, Max, Lisa, Steve, Rachael, Ryan, Emily, Mike's mom, Mike's Dad, Julie, Michelle, and our extended families.
My friends - Matt, Amy, Haya, Mahdi, Amber, Chris, Melanie, Angela, Tausha, Liz, Randy, Dave, Pedro, Jamie, Orson, Donna, and too many others to list.
My PhD advisors - Heather and Dave. They are awesome even though I have been sucking at the PhD program lately.
My stuff - I just did two-sided printing with my new wireless printer. Quite nifty. Something I have wanted/needed for some time now. I also am thankful for my car Pearl. My heater Marvin who is keeping me warm right now. My home. My office. I really like electricity and running water too.
The ducks - We enjoy feeding the ducks in the back yard.
The Internet - Admittedly, I am addicted. I am not thankful for porn or cyber-crime though.
My ex-boyfriends - People who I will always love and want the best for but may not talk to anymore.
My health - Mike's condition reminds me that even though I am not the healthiest person in the world, being able to do normal daily life type stuff is a blessing.
My safety - Living in the US has allowed us to not live in fear of war at our doorstep. Although there is crime here, we live relatively safe lives.
Kindness of Strangers - Sometimes when I grieve over the cruelty and selfishness of humanity, someone does something to remind me that goodness still exists.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
We have an appointment with a Toxicologist early Tuesday morning, a counseling appointment the next week, and an appointment with a Neuromuscular doctor the next week. Mike's short term disability is giving him a hard time because they haven't found out what is wrong with him yet, so the insurance company doesn't want to pay benefits. They want test results that are out of range, and we try to explain to them that the biggest problem is that we don't know why he is sick. Argh. Stressful. Luckily, so far, his boss is working with him so he doesn't have to rely on the short term disability yet.
Thanksgiving was quiet but good. Mike's mom came over, and we all made dinner. We didn't expect the turkey to take NINE hours to cook, so we ended up eating all of our sides around 7 PM and our turkey came out (minus the wings which we were able to have with dinner) of the oven around 9 PM. Darn fresh turkeys. Next time, we are just going to get a Butterball.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Friday Mike
His doctor put him on Depakote which seems to reduce the uncontrollable muscle spasms. It is a medication used to treat bi-polar, epilepsy, and migraines. The weird thing is that his doctor already ruled out epilepsy, but he doesn't know what the muscle jerks are from. Depakote has some serious side effects such as liver problems and pancreatitis so I don't want him on the medication if he doesn't have to be. We will have to see how he is doing over the next few days. His general doctor is working on some other referrals to hopefully help figure things out without having to wait until March.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
More Mike
We decided that it would be best to also see a counselor together to help us both cope with the stress right now. I am going to call a few after typing this update. I do better some days than others. I was really geared up for both of us to get off to a good working start at his job and me at school after we got back from the honeymoon and the whole wedding thing behind us. I want to start saving up for having kids in about 2 years. I guess it is a little disheartening that right after we get married, we are dealing with strange medical problems instead of being able to enjoy one another. We have been lucky if he feels good enough to get out to dinner with friends.
Everyone is praying for us, so I know everything will be okay.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Status Quo
In other news, we don't know what happened to grey duck who was sent back to the waterfowl rescue. Black duck is now limpy as well. However, he still has all his feather, so I think he will be okay. Ru is healing up just fine. He is no longer a satellite dish dog.
I have a physical therapist appointment in half an hour. She will tell me that I need to actually do the exercises she gave me to have them work. At that point, I will break down crying and run out of her office it a total panic of stress. Well, maybe not. She is pretty nice.
Matt's birthday was yesterday, and we were actually able to make it to dinner to see him and a few friends. We also got to meet Stephen (Baby Campbell) for the first time last night. What a cutie pie. Seems like we are a few years behind our friends on the whole having a baby department. Hopefully, we won't be too far behind. Mike has to get better first though.
Friday, November 14, 2008
No Update
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Mike Update 3
Thanks for all the prayers and kind words. It is good to know we have a lot of friends and family who love us very much.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Mike Update 2
It was sweet; my mom tried calling about 7 hospitals to find Mike and talk to him. She doesn't even think to try a cell phone. :-)
Mike has electrodes stuck all over his head with paper mache (how do you spell mache?). His room is also video surveillanced 24 hours/day. I guess I should have remembered that when I changed my pants.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Mike Update
Sunday, November 09, 2008
The Unknown
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
The Real Crisis
There is no use in being mean. None. Somehow being nice has become equated to weakness. One can be strong and resolute without being caustic and cruel. It seems like everything society worships are the things Jesus reviled. It takes more strength to be humble than to overflow with pride. It takes more courage to be wrongfully rebuked without retribution than it does to lash out in revenge.
I cried because I was so sad for humanity. I wanted to just love everyone so hard and all at once in some attempt to quell the hatred that seems to ooze so easily and out of no where. As if I were somehow important enough to get heard long enough to say, hush, just be nice, love one another, respect one another, comfort one another - or just be quiet. If they actually listened, would there just be silence?
I know I am an idealist to the core, and that will never change. I would rather die than turn stoic and cynical. I continue to seek the good in people and refuse to believe that anyone is a lost cause. I refuse to believe that changing the world is up to someone else and not up to me. I take the crises of humanity personally, but I don't know if it is me who is flawed or those who don't mourn personally for the loss of the moral character of each and every one of us. I don't know.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I've been struggling lately to be productive. I have been tired, like usual. Mike has been less than 100% for quite some time now. I try my best to be understanding, but sometimes I get frustrated because when he is too tired to get anything done, it makes it hard for me to make myself do anything. It gets depressing when he just doesn't feel good all the time and there isn't anything I can do to help him.
He finished up his 48 hour EEG today, and we also requested that his doctor test him for Yellow fever and West Nile. They both have similar symptoms to what he is experiencing - if they get to the point of encephalitis. He had the Yellow fever vaccination earlier this year when he was traveling for work, and there was a minute risk that the vaccination could have the side effects of the actual virus. Also, he got completely eaten up by mosquitoes while we were helping clean up the pond before the wedding. However, only animal instances of West Nile have been reported in North Carolina. Leave it to Mike to get some strange disease - skin eating bacteria, diverticulitis, esophageal rings, and now whatever this is. You marry a guy, and he falls to pieces. Other than feeling like crap all the time, Mike is in good spirits. He is a sweetheart, and I have just been praying that he feels better soon.
Ah, now he walked into the room so I will be caught blogging about him. Mind went blank. Change subject.
The weather is getting cold here; it is a nice change for now, but I think it will get old after another month. I keep seeing pictures of Max growing up, and I am itching to go to Chicago to go see my newest nephew, Kim, and Tony. We also have to find some time to go see mom and Lisa and family.
Mike had bought me a new laptop for my birthday, but it sucked so we returned it. I was going to buy a tablet notebook, but since my brokerage account is down by about $20K, I think my old Dell laptop will have to suffice for a few more months. We still have credit card bills to pay off from the wedding. At least gas prices are in a normal range again - and there are actually gas stations with gas. We were stuck at home for a while.
Anything else interesting in my life to report? Hmmm. No, not really.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
My Family is Broken
Ru_Daddy 004
Originally uploaded by pamela_j_karr
I couldn't resist taking this picture. Mike is hooked up to an EEG for two days. His doctor thinks he might have epilepsy, and we also came up with it possibly being Yellow Fever or West Nile today because the symptoms match. Still don't know. Ru's diagnosis is clear: he loves too much, and the rottweiler did not love him. :-(
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Just When You Think Your Neighborhood is Safe
Ru 007
Originally uploaded by pamela_j_karr
So, Ru was in the backyard yesterday while we were logged in to the McCain Super Saturday phone call. The arborist left the gate open. Well, Ru usually is a good boy about staying in the backyard even if the gate is open. However, he saw a guy walking his dog, and got excited. He ran to go play with the dog (a Rottweiler) and this is what happened. Poor Ru. We are going to get springs for the gates to make sure they stay closed from now on. Ru has a satellite dish on his head and a drain because the bite was so deep. :-(
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I know racism existed before this election, and I know it will exist after this election. But the problem is that somehow this Presidential election has become all about race. Even if you aren't racist, you are now considered so. Even if you have fought against racism, all your efforts were in vain.
I wrote a response to an accusation that white people don't get why Obama is so important for blacks. I said that Obama doesn't represent the black people I know. The black people I know work extremely hard for their money - as hard or harder than white people I know - and would never think about forcing wealthy people to give the government money to give them a hand out. But, then that comment is considered racist as well.
I am angry that this election has made this country take a step backwards. No matter what color you are, you should be allowed to question both candidates and get intelligent answers. The mud slinging by the American citizens has gotten far more caustic than the ads run by either of the political campaigns. That's when you know when something is drastically wrong.
How do we fix this? Will it all just go away after the election or will it just get worse?
What we do and do not know . . .
Dole, Elizabeth
Dear Senators Burr and Dole,
We know all about Joe the Plumber. We know that his real first name is Sam and that his last name is Wurzelbacher. We know that he doesn’t have a plumber’s license, owes back taxes, and may even have a case against him for domestic battery. And all Joe did was ask, “Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?”
What we don’t know is if Obama violated the Logan Act which declares it treason to confer with foreign governments against the interests of the United States when he campaigned and possibly raised money for Odinga in Kenya whose rise to power ultimately resulted in the death of 1,500 people. Odinga’s campaign was for radical socialist change with wealth distribution in Kenya.
We don’t know how much money was funneled into (and for what causes) liberal organizations such as the Chicago Woods Fund, ACORN, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, and Trinity Church during Obama’s 10 year relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers or 20 year membership at Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church. Trinity Church preaches Black Liberation Theology and radical race separatism. Wright once said, “Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run! We [in the U.S.] believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God.” Interestingly enough, the far left sentiments I read on the church’s website last week have been replaced with a completely new, mainstream website I found today. Other files associating Obama and Ayers have also been removed during the past week from the Woods Fund and Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) websites.
We don’t know if Obama is truly an American citizen eligible to run for President. His birth certificate was filed under Barry Soetoro, the surname of his adoptive father from Indonesia. There are claims that Indonesia did not allow dual citizenship until 2007 which means Obama would have had to give up his US citizenship to attend school in Indonesia.
We don’t know the extent of Obama’s 16 year involvement with Tony Rezko, a Chicago slumlord who campaigned for Obama and was indicted for soliciting kickbacks in 2006. We don’t know much about his relationship with John McKnight except that McKnight got him into Harvard Law School, gave him his first job as a community organizer, and was a disciple of Saul Alinsky, radical Socialist. We also don’t know much about his relationship with Rev. Jim Wallis, Fred Davis, Rahid Khalidi, and other radical liberals.
We do know that Obama endorsed Bernie Sanders, the first publicly declared Democratic Socialist elected to the US Senate. This is where I first heard Obama talk about change: “Sometimes we get disheartened and sometimes we pullback and we say you know what nothing is going change and yet when you look a these two men standing beside me it's an indication in fact that things can change.”
We do know that Obama believes that “we've got to make sure that people who have more money help the people who have less money,” and “we need to spread the wealth around.” He ensures us that when he is President, “we’ll ensure that economic justice is served."
We know that Obama’s tax plan guarantees a distribution of wealth where the top 1% of the nation would pay more tax that the bottom 80% of Americans combined. However, less than 50% of the "middle class tax break" actually goes to the middle class tax payer. The rest goes to people who pay no taxes at all or those making $93,000 to $192,000 a year.
We know that two-thirds of small business (sole proprietorships, partnerships, S-corporations, and family farms) profits are earned in households making more than $250,000 per year and that Obama’s tax plan may tax their earnings up to 54.9% (the individual tax rate will climb from 35% to 39.6% and the Social Security/Medicare tax rate could climb from 2.9% to 15.3%. Put those together, and you get 54.9%). This 54.9% tax rate would be the highest since the Carter Administration, when America suffered through double-digit inflation and unemployment. America's 26 million small businesses employers give a paycheck to 116 million employees. When small business taxes go up, millions of these employees will be at risk of being laid off.
Intrinsically, we know that radical Socialism is not superior to reformed Capitalism. We know that the US is founded on the idea of the “American Dream” which is the belief in the freedom to achieve our goals (often wealth as a form of prosperity) through hard work. We also know that the economic growth of our country is more important than the fact that we might get an extra tax break of our own.
We all know that Obama has a charismatic personality with a decisiveness and power not found in his political opponents. He makes promises of a new nation and of change. But do we really know what that change really means?
During no other time in history has the background of a Presidential candidate been so controversial yet so glossed over. It took a Plumber from Ohio to say the covert word “Socialism” that we had all been thinking before McCain could even question his opponents’ stance on the issue. Because, we all know, if McCain had said it first, he would have surely been accused of treachery. Socialism is a policy, not a character flaw. We need to know the extent of Senator Obama plans to impose this ideology on our country before he is elected President (which I can only hope he is not). Yet all probing questions have simply been silenced. I have been respectful of Obama supporters, have not used fowl language, and have refrained from any personal attacks. However, when I have questioned Senator Obama’s readiness to be my President, Obama supporters have called me racist, dumb, fat, uncompassionate, a liar, a brick wall, out of my mind, greedy, undesirable to men, and a whacked out bitch. After simply comparing timelines for Palin and Obama’s experience, I was told that “I hope you die a slow and agonizing death you worthless piece of shit.” I guess I know how Joe feels. Is this what Senator Obama meant by, “I want you to argue with them and get in their face?”
Senators Dole and Burr, as my representatives in Senate, I am counting on you to make sure Obama is thoroughly put through the vetting process, and that we can still invoke our First Amendment rights to free speech. Currently, there is no law requiring background checks for President of the United States, yet in some states felons are stripped of the right to vote. Therefore, men and women who do not even have the privilege of voting could in fact run for President. I am not suggesting that Senator Obama has a criminal background, but I do want answers to all the questions concerned citizens have been asking about his socialist ideologies and troubling entourage of friends and business partners. I believe an FBI investigation is not only appropriate but necessary. With his practically unlimited source of funding and media’s bias slant, I simply don’t know the truth. However, I refuse to accept ignorance as comfort and will continue to search for the facts; hopefully, I won’t be alone. Americans have the right to an informed vote, and unfortunately, it may already be too late for that. I am truly concerned about my families’ future and the future of this great Nation.
*** Note: This letter was originally written by me (Pamela Karr Wisniewski). However, you are welcome to copy the letter to send to your state's US Senators. ***
Friday, October 10, 2008
We Will Call Her Limpy
In other news, we adopted some ducks from the Carolina Waterfowl Rescue for the Ferguson's pond.

Let's see, what else? Mike had an echo-cardiogram today and is all hooked up to a heart monitor. He won't be very cuddly tonight.
I am happy with my new department at school. It doesn't make me cry, and I feel like I am actually getting help to be productive.
My 29th birthday went over without a hitch - other than the fact that I am now another year older. :-(
I joined the National Arbor Day Foundation for $15, and they are going to send me 10 flowering trees. I thought that was pretty cool. You should get some free trees too!
I think Mike will be watching his Notre Dame game as I read qualifying exam articles tomorrow. This, of course, will be after we take Scuro the Limpy to the vet. Boy, will she be mad at us.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
82% of Statistics are made up on the spot . . .
-The majority of Senate votes are unanimous consent votes
-Obama leaves out 2005 when McCain only voted with Bush 77% of the time
-Based on the same comparison, Obama votes with the Democratic party 97% of the time, rarely showing bipartisanship. On the other hand, McCain has voted with his party (since 1987) only 83% of the time.
77% for a Republican voting with Republicans seems reasonable to me. Obama has voted with Bush about 40% of the time and Biden 52% of the time, and they are Democrats. And when they say McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time, that only includes 22% of the votes during Bush's presidency. I agree that the term "Maverick" is a marketing ploy that is getting annoying, but the fact that McCain has shown bipartisan leadership is noteworthy. Democrats made up 55 percent of his political partners over the last two Congresses, including on the tough issues of campaign finance and global warming. For Obama, Republicans were only 13 percent of his co-sponsors during his time in the Senate, and he had his biggest bipartisan successes on noncontroversial measures, such as issuing a postage stamp for Rosa Parks.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Obama and Socialism
Definition of Socialism: Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and the creation of an egalitarian society.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Dell Complaint
In all fairness to Dell, after we wrote and sent them this letter, they allowed us to return the laptop. They said it would take 30 days for the refund to go through, so we are still waiting for that. So, the moral of the story is, write to customer service- don't bother trying to talk to one of the customer service reps over the phone. I don't think they have the autonomy to issue refunds and are impossible to talk with.
**** UPDATE ******
Michael Dell
Dell Corporate Headquarters
Dell Computer Inc.
One Dell Way
Round Rock TX 78682
“It's through curiosity and looking at opportunities in new ways that we've always mapped our path at Dell. There's always an opportunity to make a difference.” –Michael Dell
Michael Dell/Customer Service:
As an IT professional, I have been a loyal Dell customer for over six years; my last four laptops have been Dell. I purchase a new laptop approximately every 2-3 years, and that system is usually close to the top-of-the-line available on the market. My husband is also an IT professional and has purchased numerous Dell products. In the past, we have been very happy with your product and your customer service.
We recently purchased a Dell XPS M1530 on 8/25/2008 which we received on 9/9/2008. We previously contacted Dell because we were unhappy with the glossy display, and they told us that they couldn’t help us. Today, 9/28/2008, we contacted Dell because the hard drive failed, and the computer will no longer boot properly. Overall, we are extremely dissatisfied with the system and would like to replace it with a different Dell system. However, we were informed that we could not return the system because the 21 days from invoice date (9/5/2008) had expired (by two days). It has been less than 21 days since the receipt of the laptop (9/9/2008 – 9/28/2008). We received an email confirming purchase of the system on 9/6/2008, but at no time did we receive a document that was entitled “Invoice.” Since the term invoice is ambiguous and the dating of the invoice is rather random, it only makes sense to honor the return based on when the system was signed for and received. Furthermore, Dell should handle this problem because a brand new laptop hard drive should not fail within the first month after it was built.
You are about to lose a loyal customer of six years over a dispute of two days. I am losing valuable data and software applications due to Dell’s poor product quality of this particular system. We have invested a lot of time and money getting this laptop up to working condition, and now all that is going to waste.
I am also unhappy with your level of customer service. Previously, when I dealt with Dell customer service, they were always able to help me resolve my problem. Now, all I keep hearing is no and why nothing can be done. Your representatives have difficulty understanding even basic issues that we want resolved because of language barriers, and we keep getting put on hold and passed around to the next representative because no one takes the accountability to do the right thing. That is unacceptable.
I would like to see the Dell I used to know come back and remedy this situation. I switched from IBM brand laptops to Dell because of an IBM customer service failure with a lemon of a laptop. I encouraged family, friends, and colleagues not to buy IBM ThinkPads (while they were still on the market) due to my experience. I don’t want this to happen with Dell because of my experience with the new XPS M1530. I am actually typing this letter on my old laptop, a Dell Latitude D610. If this issue is not resolved, I will be filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau and Consumer Affairs. And, I will no longer be a Dell customer. I would like to continue my relationship with Dell as a loyal customer, but I would like to see that Dell is still loyal to its customers as well.
“Our business is about technology, yes. But it's also about operations and customer relationships.” – Michael Dell
Pamela Karr Wisniewski
**** UPDATE ******
In all fairness to Dell, after we wrote and sent them this letter, they allowed us to return the laptop. They said it would take 30 days for the refund to go through, so we are still waiting for that. So, the moral of the story is, write to customer service- don't bother trying to talk to one of the customer service reps over the phone. I don't think they have the autonomy to issue refunds and are impossible to talk with.
**** UPDATE ******
Friday, September 26, 2008
What you would do as president to lead this country out of the financial crisis?
- Well, the first thing we have to do is get spending under control in Washington.
- Examine every agency of government
- Eliminate ethanol subsidies
- Defense spending - do away with cost-plus contracts and have fixed-cost contracts
- Spending freeze on everything but defense, veteran affairs and entitlement programs
- Obama has $800 billion in new spending programs. I would suggest he start by canceling some of those new spending program that he has.
- We've got to grow the economy from the bottom up. What I've called for is a tax cut for 95 percent of working families, 95 percent.
- We have to have energy independence
- Invest in alternative energy, solar, wind, biodiesel
- Making sure that we're developing the fuel-efficient cars of the future right here in the United States
- Fix our health care system
- Make sure that we're competing in education
- Invest in science and technology
- College is affordable for every young person in America
- Rebuild our infrastructure
- Have a new electricity grid to get the alternative energy to population centers
- Investing in energy in order to free ourselves from the dependence on foreign oil
- Increase early childhood education
- We have to look at bringing that war to a close
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Quote of the Day
Monday, September 22, 2008
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Tuesday, Hey!
10 AM: Paid bills, decluttered office space, uploaded more wedding pictures
10:45 AM: Contacted Atlas ti support, emailed professors
11:10 AM: Added Arc Map design flaws based on yesterday's coding (which may have all been in vain)
11:45 AM: Updated wiki and Google Docs organization
1 PM: Stopped for lunch, sigh, we really need to go to the grocery store. Lunch meat and no bread. Not much else to eat for lunch. Loaded dishwasher, faxed UNC health center to transfer medical records. Yay! Got my early birthday present in the mail - a new laptop, on hold with Walgreens to transfer prescriptions, updated to do list
2:45 PM: Get ready to go to class
3:30 PM: Class
5 PM: Home, went shopping for baby shower supplies, ate dinner at Panera
7 PM: Home again, Mike's tummy is hurting him, we took a nap
8:30 PM: Woke up, watched some tv, did some set up stuff on my new laptop, checked email, planned some for tomorrow
Monday, September 08, 2008
Not so Manic Monday
10 AM: Breakfast, made bed, showered
11 AM: Data analysis
1 PM: Ate lunch, back to analysis
8:30 PM: Ate dinner, back to analysis
10 PM: Stopped data analysis
(9.5 hours logged for school)
Friday, September 05, 2008
Another Day
8:45 AM: Ate PB&J and coffee for breakfast
9:15 AM: Showered
12:30 PM: Lunch at Bear Rock Cafe
Most of the Day - Not much
6:30 PM: Had Mom, Jackie, and Phillipa over for dinner
(0 hours logged for school, 10 hours logged for week not including weekends)
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Sick Honey Head
9 AM: Ate PB&J for breakfast with Diet Coke, filled out Dr. paperwork
10:30 AM: Dr. appt, had to get blood drawn :-(
11:30 AM: Home, Mike back from his Dr. appt. sick with the flu, I have a bad headache, both resting
1 PM: Emailed advisors that I am staying home today
3:30 PM: Ate some gyoza
4 PM: Did some laundry
7 PM: Couples' massage
8 PM: Ate Wendy's hamburger and fries
8:30 PM: Watched Republican Convention, posted bamboo place card holders on eBay
11:45 PM: Went to bed
(0 hours logged for school)
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
More Video Trascription Day
8:45 AM: Checked email
9 AM: Showered, got ready
10 AM: Chiropractor appt
10:45 AM: Back from Chiropractor, scheduled monthly massage, scheduled car inspection for tomorrow morning
11 AM: Started watching geovis videos and transcribing
11:30 AM: Took a break and opened packages that came in the mail
11:45 AM: Back to video transcription
2:30 PM: Mike brought me Nutella on toast with milk for lunch, continued transcription
3:15 PM: Starting getting ready for my appt on campus
4 PM: On-campus appt
4:30 PM: Drove home, called Tausha
4:45 PM: Got home, created web poll for group
5 PM: Napped
7 PM: Ate dinner (Mike cooked duck)
7:20 PM: Back to video transcription
7:50 PM: Finished participant 6 video
8 PM: Added Tiffany as a friend on Facebook, played around on Facebook for a while
8:20 PM: Started transcribing participant 7
10:45 PM: Finished participant 7, uploaded Google docs, wiki, and this blog
10:50 PM: Went downstairs to spend time with Mike
(7 hours logged for school)
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
10 AM: Checked email, packaged up eBay item that I sold, tried to upload photos to Snapfish to make a mug (their site seems not to be working)
11 AM: Started watching Geovis videos
2 PM: Ate PB&J for lunch (side of Nutella)
3 PM: Got ready for class, talked to Lisa on the phone
3:30 PM: Visual Analytics class
5 PM: Talked to Tony on phone, got home, took a nap with Mike
6:20 PM: Woke up, Mike made lamb chops and I made red potatoes - ate them
7:30 PM: Finished dinner, finally got Snapfish to work
8 PM: Went to the Ferguson's to check on the lights, went to Coldstone for ice cream
8:45 PM: Picked up prescriptions at Walgreens, talked to Mom on the phone
9 PM: Got sucked into House, procrastinating on watching video, checking tomorrow's schedule to see if I really need to watch the rest of it tonight
11 PM: Went to bed
(3 hours logged for school)
Friday, August 29, 2008
Sleepyhead Log
8:15 AM: Coffee, pizza, Created shipping labels for wedding albums
9:30 AM: Went back to bed with Mike after he got home from Dr. appt
10:30 AM: Woke up again, packaging up wedding albums to send, uploaded Kristin's pictures from CD to Flickr
12:30 PM: Ate pizza for lunch
1 PM: Continued working on mailing stuff
2 PM: Showered and got ready
3 PM: Research seminar
4:30 PM: Got home
5 PM: Took a nap
6:45 PM: Woke up hungry, made Melting Pot reservation for 8 PM, looked at large turtle swimming in pond
7:30 PM: Went to the Melting Pot for cheese and chocolate (yum)
8:45 PM: Called mom on the way home, hung out with Mike
11:15 PM: Ate wedding cake (yum), checked email, paid credit card bill
(1 hour logged for school, 6.5 hours for the week not including weekends)
Goal for this weekend: watch 2 geovis videos
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Time in a Bloggle
8:30 AM: Woke up, checked email
9 AM: Checked class website, downloaded Tableau
9:30 AM: Ate breakfast (Pizza Hut pizza, later Lucky Charms), showered, made bed
10 AM: Paid Dr. bill, made Dr. appt. (why are my big toes numb?), Created plan for watching Geovis videos and reading qualifying exam articles, looked at baby shower cakes for Amy and Angela
10:45 AM: Cuddled with Mike in big chair, drank a cup of coffee
11 AM: Reread CHI paper outline
11:30 AM: Sent in PhD progress report, mailed panoramic X-Ray to TMJ specialist
12 PM: Lunch (PB&J sandwich), installed Tableau
1 PM: Met with Erin and Okan
2 PM: Geovis meeting
2:30 PM: Checked GASP
3:30 PM: Class
5 PM: HCI meeting
6:45 PM: Got home, Mike made dinner
7 PM: Ate dinner, vegged on couch
8:30 PM: Tried to nap, cuddled with purr-head Scuro
9:30 PM: Got up from nap, Mike fed Ru, squeezed a huge zit starting to form on my chin
10 PM: Packaged wedding photo books for bridal party, updated blog
10:30 PM: Figured I should get off the computer
(5.5 hours logged for school)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Hottest Picture of Mike EVER!

Sorry for not updating this blog lately. Too much going on. Take a look at the wedding blog.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
(Note from one of my best friends)
This is a message you sent me ages ago, I found it
while digging through old emails and it made me smile.
I just wanted to share that smile with you. To me
you have always been and always will be a friend for a
lifetime. You have taught me more than you know,
brought me greater joy than I can express, and I love
you more than any words I will be able to find.
When someone is in your life for a REASON. . .
It is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty,
to provide you with guidance and support, to aid
you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They
may seem like a godsend, and they are! They are
there for the reason you need them to be. Then,
without any wrongdoing on your part, or at an
inconvenient time, this person will say or do
something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met,
our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer
you sent up has been answered. And now it is time
to move on.
Then people come into your life for a SEASON.
Because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace, or make you
laugh. They may teach you something you have never
done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount
of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime
lessons: things you must build upon in order to have
a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept
the lesson, love the person, and put what you have
learned to use in all other relationships and areas
of your life. It is said that love is blind but
friendship is clairvoyant.
Thank you for being a part of my life!!!
Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
And dance like no one is watching.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Catching Curly
Now I have little cactus thorns embedded in my fingers. They go well with the poison ivy I have on my thigh. Then some large spider or other scary bug bit me right on top of my poison ivy. I think I have a leech suck spot on my ankle that also got bitten by a mosquito. Mike and I both have mosquito bites all over from camping and from dredging the pond. We are a mess. :-) Just in time for the wedding!
Cats are on the office floor bathing.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
One Month
In other news, Mike sold his Porsche, and we bought a 2005 Nissan Xterra. After we recoup from the wedding expenses, we can actually get kayaks now!
Research with my new advisors in the SIS department is going much better. I feel like I am actually making a contribution. I will definitely have to ramp up the time spent on research after the wedding.
The animals are doing well. Ru is a lot less crazy than he used to be. Ra is currently sitting on my lap purring with his chin on my left hand. It looks like he is reading what I am typing. Scuro has been a little pukey lately, so we took her to the vet. She is on an antibiotic for a few days. I need to go get her some better flavored hairball medicine.
A few weekends ago, we went for a quick camping trip in the Smoky Mountains. You can go to our Flickr photo gallery to check out the pictures.
Mike has made friends with Mr. Ferguson who lives behind us. We have been trying to help him with the algae problem in the smaller pond. Here is a picture of him rowing in the pond and spraying the weeds. You can go to Flickr to see the rest of the pictures.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Sleepy Pam
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Hair and Make Up
Makeup 021
Originally uploaded by pamela_j_karr
Here is a picture of Mike and I after I got my wedding hair and make-up consultation.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Double Tree Room 668
Been working on getting participants for a study we are running in my new department. Also been doing some wedding planning. Need to do some more. We are almost done with RSVPs. Right now, we have 124 adults and 20 kids.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
To Sleep, Perchance to Dream
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
New Orleans Smells Like Pee
After the tour, we took a nap (always the highlight of my day), then we walked around the French Quarter. We found a Lush store and bought some fizzy balls, a discovery that I first made in Los Angeles and have only been able to buy off of Amazon ever since. We ate at a restaurant called Mr. B's Bistro which was awesome. While there, someone mistook me for "Diane from idol." I gave her a confused look and said who? I looked it up on the Internet, and the closest thing I could find is a girl named Diana DeGarmo who was on American Idol (born in 1987 - a baby!).
I stayed in the hotel on Monday, and after Mike got back from the trade show, we went to Luke's which is a not-so-good restaurant near the hotel. Especially compared to the restaurant we ate at the night before, it was more expensive and not as good. Yuck.
I woke up having weird nightmares, so here I am blogging at 3 in the morning.
Yesterday, May 19th, was Tausha's birthday. I usually call and leave her a message on her birthday, but I missed it this year. She is one of my best friends from junior high school in Mississippi.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Rain Barrels
However, we bought rain barrels from another company called RainBarrel.Net because we thought their rain barrels were a lot prettier.
So this was just a short blog about how Pam and Mike are going a little greener.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
My Sleepyhead
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Email Thread I Came Across
We dinn all the time.
Subject: RE: Painter
;) you are a dork, its kinda cute
From: Pamela Karr []
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 1:44 PM
Subject: RE: Painter
Main Entry: 2din
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): dinned; din·ning
intransitive senses : to make a loud noise
transitive senses
1 : to assail with loud continued noise
2 : to impress by insistent repetition -- often used with into
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 1:38 PM
To: Pamela Karr
Subject: RE: Painter
No I was thinking more like the dinning room actually
From: Pamela Karr []
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 1:36 PM
Subject: RE: Painter
How about the dining room?
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 1:32 PM
To: Pamela Karr
Subject: RE: Painter
I emailed him about it…we will finish the dinning room tonight
From: Pamela Karr []
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 1:02 PM
Subject: Painter
Can you get the painter name from Andrew?
Monday, May 05, 2008
Wisniewski-Berry Trip
We went to Grand Rapids, Michigan this weekend to visit Mike's family. It was a great trip! Above are pictures of Mike and his grandparents. If you want to see all the pictures from the trip, click here!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I switched from BISOM to SIS, and I am so far very happy with the change. I feel like I will actually be able to get my PhD after all.
Mike's job is going pretty well, and the house is looking good. However, the yard still needs more work. Hopefully we will have grass again by August.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Recommended Contractors in Charlotte, NC
Stan Johnson - Electrician (704) 458-7751. He does work for the Charlotte-Douglas airport. His prices are very reasonable.
Jim Bridges - Plumber (704) 746-1645. He has done a great job on all the projects he has done for us.
Erica Anders - Pet Sitter (704) 340-6603. She takes care of Ru, Ra, and Scuro when we are out of town. Very professional.
BTR Roofing - Roof Repair (704) 537-7837.
David Medlin - Land Survey (704) 454-5541.
Vachik - Charlotte Concrete Resurfacing (704) 975-0466.
Jeff Moss - Countrywide Refinancing (704) 724-2875.
Greg with Molly Maid - Housekeeping (704) 536-6243.
These are contractors that we have experiences problems with. Therefore, you may want to hire them with caution.
Ronnie Hedgeco
Clayton Landscaping
PetSmart Pet Grooming
Time Warner Cable
Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens special events
Mama Ricotta's Catering
Favors Frenzy
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
-Hearing from a friend after losing touch for some time
-Ra snoring
-Scuro bringing us fluff heads
-Ru's wiggle but
-Being silly with Mike
-Talking to my nieces and nephew on the phone
-Seeing new pictures of baby Max
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Here is a picture of my nephew Max - just because he is soo cute.
Mike and I want to have two kids starting in about 2-3 years. Ru, Ra, and Scuro are keeping us busy enough in the meantime!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Updated Kitchen
House 005
Originally uploaded by pamela_j_karr
Here is a picture of our newly updated kitchen. Mike did it all himself! We still have to put in the tile backsplash, but I think it looks awesome! I need to find a before picture to show the difference . . .
Charlotte 052
Originally uploaded by pamela_j_karr
Okay, here is the before picture of the kitchen. See the difference?!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wedding Stuff
Engagement Portraits - We had our portraits made yesterday, and they came out really well. Yay!
Gift Registries - We are registered at, Target, and Lowes
Guest Information - Everything our guests need to know about our attending wedding
Guest List - So far, we have 84 friends and family attending our wedding. We are still waiting for all the RSVPs to come in!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Another Pam List
PhD program
Pam's health
Pam's weight
Mike's health insurance program
Things that are okay:
Liquid finances
Relationship between cats and dog
Mike's health
Pearl's tires
Things that are good:
Home improvements
Wedding planning
Mike's Job
General finances
Mike's weight
Pets' health
Porsche in Boots
Things that are great:
Mike and Pam
My nephew Max
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Mike. He is absolutely and completely wonderful. He loves and supports me in everything I do. I came home upset the other day, and he canceled his meetings at work to take care of me. He is sweet and intelligent and is always there for me.
Max. My new little nephew. He is completely adorable, and he makes me excited about the kids Mike and I will have in a few years.
My mom. I probably talk to her on the phone at least once a week. Although we have a rocky past, I completely just love her and want her to be happy. I love talking to her and sharing my life with her. I have learned to appreciate the good things that make her her. She is funny and a warm person. She works really hard, and she loves her daughters very much.
The animals. I am never alone. I just turned around, and sure enough Scuro is laying on the ottoman behind me. Sometimes it is Ra snoring on the floor or the wiggle-Ru waiting at the foot of the stairs to greet me. They are all beautiful and have adjusted pretty well to living together.
God. Mike and I pray together at night, and we just have to thank God for all the blessings he has given us. I don't think we could have ever found one another without Him. I look back at some of the obstacles in my life, and I realize that God was letting me go through them to shape me into the person I am now. He has always brought people into my life at the right times to keep me going.
Friends. I am not the most social person, but I have soo many friends. They might not even be people I talk to for years, but I know there are people I could call right now who would be there for me if I needed them. It is the fact that people care. There is a connection. No matter how busy everyone gets, there is acknowledgment of existence and mutual love.
Alternatives. Even though I have struggles right now, I am not painted into the corner. The world is a blank canvas, and I just have to decide what I want to do with it. So many people don't have options because something limits them in some way or another. It is good to know you have multiple positive choices even when you don't know which one is the right one to choose.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Qualifying Exam Update
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Pam Ra Ru
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
He's Here! He's Here!
In my world: I took the first section of my qualifying exams today. Ugh. I did okay on parts and not okay on some other parts. As long as they average over 70%, I get to pass. If not, I have to try again (or decide not to get my PhD afterall) next semester.
My hand is killing me! I don't think I ever learned how to hold a pencil right. Man, I am not used to actually writing anything anymore in pencil. I think my carpel tunnel is acting up. I have to figure out if I am supposed to use heat or ice on it.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Mr. Karr
On the sister front, Kim is about to pop. Max will be here any day now - definitely by Monday. See gratuitous belly shot lifted from Kim's blog below:
I have qualifying exams next week. Need prayers, say lots of prayers.
And check out our wedding blog when you get the chance. We should have hotel information posted soon. Most people should have gotten their invitations by now. It was like pulling teeth to get Mike to round up all the addresses for his family. I guess that is one advantage of having a close-knit Chinese family. Everyone knows where everyone is at all times.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Growing up Poor, in the South

Here is a very picturesque scene of two young girls sharing one ballerina outfit and leaning on a Winnebago. Ah yes, growing up poor in the South. Such fond memories . . .
I was just scanning a few baby photos for a wedding slide show. I came across this one and couldn't resist posting it. :-) Love ya, Kim.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Honey Head!
I am studying for qualifying exams. Say a prayer for me that I do well. I am pretty stressed out about this.
I am going to go to bed so I can wake up to see my honey in the morning.
Monday, February 25, 2008
If I had a million dollars . . .
2) Pay off all our credit card debt
3) Help pay for Liz to get a bachelor's degree
4) Travel all over the world (with Mike of course)
5) Save money for sending our two (future) kids to college
6) Donate to some meaningful charity
7) I don't know
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Mike making pretty
Mike making pretty
Originally uploaded by pamela_j_karr
Before leaving from San Francisco for business, Mike was working on refacing the kitchen cabinets. The new doors and veneer looks great. He added under cabinet lights as well. He is almost done and will probably finish up next weekend.
Someone is supposed to come by and dig up the hollies today.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Happy birthday Mike!
You are the most wonderful person in the world!
You are smart, caring, loving, cuddly, handy, silly, funny, handsome, and altogether perfect for me! You make me feel happy, safe, and secure. Thank you for loving me! I am excited about all the years to come!
(Let's see if he reads this.)
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
January 2008
- Mike turned 30
- Pam & Mike got engaged
- Kim is pregnant
- Kim is getting her first book published
- Mike resigned from IBM after 8 years
- Pam resigned from Lash Group after 2 1/5 years
- We got Uluru (Ru)
- Joel got married
- Auntie Dot passed away
- Mike sold his house
- Chris and Amber got engaged
- Pam and Pearl had their first wreck (fender bender)
- Pam & Ann took a cruise through the Caribbean
- Mom and Watson moved into Jay's townhouse
- Rachael started high school
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Pam & Mike at Biodome
Pam & Mike at Biodome
Originally uploaded by pamela_j_karr
Hehe, I have been playing with Photoshop. :-)
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Brief Summary . . .
September - got engaged!
October - visited Kim and Tony, my birthday, getting his house ready for sale
November - Thanksgiving (Mike in Europe), accepting an offer on his house, Mike moving in
December - Pam presents at a conference, house closing, Christmas, Mike changes jobs
January - Mike starts new job, Pam studies for qualifying exams
And to Come . . .
February - 1 year anniversary (Mike's birthday), Visit Florida & San Francisco
March - Qualifying exams, Kim's baby is due
April, May, June, July - A possible break??
August - Wedding, Honeymoon, and all that jazz!