Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Tuesday, Hey!

9 AM: Woke up, ate breakfast, checked email
10 AM: Paid bills, decluttered office space, uploaded more wedding pictures
10:45 AM: Contacted Atlas ti support, emailed professors
11:10 AM: Added Arc Map design flaws based on yesterday's coding (which may have all been in vain)
11:45 AM: Updated wiki and Google Docs organization
1 PM: Stopped for lunch, sigh, we really need to go to the grocery store. Lunch meat and no bread. Not much else to eat for lunch. Loaded dishwasher, faxed UNC health center to transfer medical records. Yay! Got my early birthday present in the mail - a new laptop, on hold with Walgreens to transfer prescriptions, updated to do list
2:45 PM: Get ready to go to class
3:30 PM: Class
5 PM: Home, went shopping for baby shower supplies, ate dinner at Panera
7 PM: Home again, Mike's tummy is hurting him, we took a nap
8:30 PM: Woke up, watched some tv, did some set up stuff on my new laptop, checked email, planned some for tomorrow


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