Wednesday, September 03, 2008

More Video Trascription Day

8:30 AM: Woke up, ate breakfast
8:45 AM: Checked email
9 AM: Showered, got ready
10 AM: Chiropractor appt
10:45 AM: Back from Chiropractor, scheduled monthly massage, scheduled car inspection for tomorrow morning
11 AM: Started watching geovis videos and transcribing
11:30 AM: Took a break and opened packages that came in the mail
11:45 AM: Back to video transcription
2:30 PM: Mike brought me Nutella on toast with milk for lunch, continued transcription
3:15 PM: Starting getting ready for my appt on campus
4 PM: On-campus appt
4:30 PM: Drove home, called Tausha
4:45 PM: Got home, created web poll for group
5 PM: Napped
7 PM: Ate dinner (Mike cooked duck)
7:20 PM: Back to video transcription
7:50 PM: Finished participant 6 video
8 PM: Added Tiffany as a friend on Facebook, played around on Facebook for a while
8:20 PM: Started transcribing participant 7
10:45 PM: Finished participant 7, uploaded Google docs, wiki, and this blog
10:50 PM: Went downstairs to spend time with Mike

(7 hours logged for school)


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