Tuesday, September 02, 2008


9:30 AM: woke up (couldn't get to sleep last night), had coffee and cereal
10 AM: Checked email, packaged up eBay item that I sold, tried to upload photos to Snapfish to make a mug (their site seems not to be working)
11 AM: Started watching Geovis videos
2 PM: Ate PB&J for lunch (side of Nutella)
3 PM: Got ready for class, talked to Lisa on the phone
3:30 PM: Visual Analytics class
5 PM: Talked to Tony on phone, got home, took a nap with Mike
6:20 PM: Woke up, Mike made lamb chops and I made red potatoes - ate them
7:30 PM: Finished dinner, finally got Snapfish to work
8 PM: Went to the Ferguson's to check on the lights, went to Coldstone for ice cream
8:45 PM: Picked up prescriptions at Walgreens, talked to Mom on the phone
9 PM: Got sucked into House, procrastinating on watching video, checking tomorrow's schedule to see if I really need to watch the rest of it tonight
11 PM: Went to bed

(3 hours logged for school)


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