Friday, August 29, 2008

Sleepyhead Log

7:45 AM: Woke up, checked email, read some political news
8:15 AM: Coffee, pizza, Created shipping labels for wedding albums
9:30 AM: Went back to bed with Mike after he got home from Dr. appt
10:30 AM: Woke up again, packaging up wedding albums to send, uploaded Kristin's pictures from CD to Flickr
12:30 PM: Ate pizza for lunch
1 PM: Continued working on mailing stuff
2 PM: Showered and got ready
3 PM: Research seminar
4:30 PM: Got home
5 PM: Took a nap
6:45 PM: Woke up hungry, made Melting Pot reservation for 8 PM, looked at large turtle swimming in pond
7:30 PM: Went to the Melting Pot for cheese and chocolate (yum)
8:45 PM: Called mom on the way home, hung out with Mike
11:15 PM: Ate wedding cake (yum), checked email, paid credit card bill

(1 hour logged for school, 6.5 hours for the week not including weekends)

Goal for this weekend: watch 2 geovis videos


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