Thursday, August 28, 2008

Time in a Bloggle

It seems like I never have time to get everything done. Of course, I am sure that this isn't a problem isolated to just me. So, I am going to try to keep a daily log of what the heck I actually do every day, starting today.

8:30 AM: Woke up, checked email
9 AM: Checked class website, downloaded Tableau
9:30 AM: Ate breakfast (Pizza Hut pizza, later Lucky Charms), showered, made bed
10 AM: Paid Dr. bill, made Dr. appt. (why are my big toes numb?), Created plan for watching Geovis videos and reading qualifying exam articles, looked at baby shower cakes for Amy and Angela
10:45 AM: Cuddled with Mike in big chair, drank a cup of coffee
11 AM: Reread CHI paper outline
11:30 AM: Sent in PhD progress report, mailed panoramic X-Ray to TMJ specialist
12 PM: Lunch (PB&J sandwich), installed Tableau
1 PM: Met with Erin and Okan
2 PM: Geovis meeting
2:30 PM: Checked GASP
3:30 PM: Class
5 PM: HCI meeting
6:45 PM: Got home, Mike made dinner
7 PM: Ate dinner, vegged on couch
8:30 PM: Tried to nap, cuddled with purr-head Scuro
9:30 PM: Got up from nap, Mike fed Ru, squeezed a huge zit starting to form on my chin
10 PM: Packaged wedding photo books for bridal party, updated blog
10:30 PM: Figured I should get off the computer

(5.5 hours logged for school)


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