Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sick Honey Head

8:30 AM: Woke up, checked email
9 AM: Ate PB&J for breakfast with Diet Coke, filled out Dr. paperwork
10:30 AM: Dr. appt, had to get blood drawn :-(
11:30 AM: Home, Mike back from his Dr. appt. sick with the flu, I have a bad headache, both resting
1 PM: Emailed advisors that I am staying home today
3:30 PM: Ate some gyoza
4 PM: Did some laundry
7 PM: Couples' massage
8 PM: Ate Wendy's hamburger and fries
8:30 PM: Watched Republican Convention, posted bamboo place card holders on eBay
11:45 PM: Went to bed

(0 hours logged for school)


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