Saturday, October 04, 2008

82% of Statistics are made up on the spot . . .

Some issues with the 90% statistic referring to McCain voting with Bush:
-The majority of Senate votes are unanimous consent votes
-Obama leaves out 2005 when McCain only voted with Bush 77% of the time
-Based on the same comparison, Obama votes with the Democratic party 97% of the time, rarely showing bipartisanship. On the other hand, McCain has voted with his party (since 1987) only 83% of the time.

77% for a Republican voting with Republicans seems reasonable to me. Obama has voted with Bush about 40% of the time and Biden 52% of the time, and they are Democrats. And when they say McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time, that only includes 22% of the votes during Bush's presidency. I agree that the term "Maverick" is a marketing ploy that is getting annoying, but the fact that McCain has shown bipartisan leadership is noteworthy. Democrats made up 55 percent of his political partners over the last two Congresses, including on the tough issues of campaign finance and global warming. For Obama, Republicans were only 13 percent of his co-sponsors during his time in the Senate, and he had his biggest bipartisan successes on noncontroversial measures, such as issuing a postage stamp for Rosa Parks.

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