Burr, Richard
Dole, Elizabeth
Dear Senators Burr and Dole,
We know all about Joe the Plumber. We know that his real first name is Sam and that his last name is Wurzelbacher. We know that he doesn’t have a plumber’s license, owes back taxes, and may even have a case against him for domestic battery. And all Joe did was ask, “Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?”
What we don’t know is if Obama violated the Logan Act which declares it treason to confer with foreign governments against the interests of the United States when he campaigned and possibly raised money for Odinga in Kenya whose rise to power ultimately resulted in the death of 1,500 people. Odinga’s campaign was for radical socialist change with wealth distribution in Kenya.
We don’t know how much money was funneled into (and for what causes) liberal organizations such as the Chicago Woods Fund, ACORN, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, and Trinity Church during Obama’s 10 year relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers or 20 year membership at Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church. Trinity Church preaches Black Liberation Theology and radical race separatism. Wright once said, “Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run! We [in the U.S.] believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God.” Interestingly enough, the far left sentiments I read on the church’s website last week have been replaced with a completely new, mainstream website I found today. Other files associating Obama and Ayers have also been removed during the past week from the Woods Fund and Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) websites.
We don’t know if Obama is truly an American citizen eligible to run for President. His birth certificate was filed under Barry Soetoro, the surname of his adoptive father from Indonesia. There are claims that Indonesia did not allow dual citizenship until 2007 which means Obama would have had to give up his US citizenship to attend school in Indonesia.
We don’t know the extent of Obama’s 16 year involvement with Tony Rezko, a Chicago slumlord who campaigned for Obama and was indicted for soliciting kickbacks in 2006. We don’t know much about his relationship with John McKnight except that McKnight got him into Harvard Law School, gave him his first job as a community organizer, and was a disciple of Saul Alinsky, radical Socialist. We also don’t know much about his relationship with Rev. Jim Wallis, Fred Davis, Rahid Khalidi, and other radical liberals.
We do know that Obama endorsed Bernie Sanders, the first publicly declared Democratic Socialist elected to the US Senate. This is where I first heard Obama talk about change: “Sometimes we get disheartened and sometimes we pullback and we say you know what nothing is going change and yet when you look a these two men standing beside me it's an indication in fact that things can change.”
We do know that Obama believes that “we've got to make sure that people who have more money help the people who have less money,” and “we need to spread the wealth around.” He ensures us that when he is President, “we’ll ensure that economic justice is served."
We know that Obama’s tax plan guarantees a distribution of wealth where the top 1% of the nation would pay more tax that the bottom 80% of Americans combined. However, less than 50% of the "middle class tax break" actually goes to the middle class tax payer. The rest goes to people who pay no taxes at all or those making $93,000 to $192,000 a year.
We know that two-thirds of small business (sole proprietorships, partnerships, S-corporations, and family farms) profits are earned in households making more than $250,000 per year and that Obama’s tax plan may tax their earnings up to 54.9% (the individual tax rate will climb from 35% to 39.6% and the Social Security/Medicare tax rate could climb from 2.9% to 15.3%. Put those together, and you get 54.9%). This 54.9% tax rate would be the highest since the Carter Administration, when America suffered through double-digit inflation and unemployment. America's 26 million small businesses employers give a paycheck to 116 million employees. When small business taxes go up, millions of these employees will be at risk of being laid off.
Intrinsically, we know that radical Socialism is not superior to reformed Capitalism. We know that the US is founded on the idea of the “American Dream” which is the belief in the freedom to achieve our goals (often wealth as a form of prosperity) through hard work. We also know that the economic growth of our country is more important than the fact that we might get an extra tax break of our own.
We all know that Obama has a charismatic personality with a decisiveness and power not found in his political opponents. He makes promises of a new nation and of change. But do we really know what that change really means?
During no other time in history has the background of a Presidential candidate been so controversial yet so glossed over. It took a Plumber from Ohio to say the covert word “Socialism” that we had all been thinking before McCain could even question his opponents’ stance on the issue. Because, we all know, if McCain had said it first, he would have surely been accused of treachery. Socialism is a policy, not a character flaw. We need to know the extent of Senator Obama plans to impose this ideology on our country before he is elected President (which I can only hope he is not). Yet all probing questions have simply been silenced. I have been respectful of Obama supporters, have not used fowl language, and have refrained from any personal attacks. However, when I have questioned Senator Obama’s readiness to be my President, Obama supporters have called me racist, dumb, fat, uncompassionate, a liar, a brick wall, out of my mind, greedy, undesirable to men, and a whacked out bitch. After simply comparing timelines for Palin and Obama’s experience, I was told that “I hope you die a slow and agonizing death you worthless piece of shit.” I guess I know how Joe feels. Is this what Senator Obama meant by, “I want you to argue with them and get in their face?”
Senators Dole and Burr, as my representatives in Senate, I am counting on you to make sure Obama is thoroughly put through the vetting process, and that we can still invoke our First Amendment rights to free speech. Currently, there is no law requiring background checks for President of the United States, yet in some states felons are stripped of the right to vote. Therefore, men and women who do not even have the privilege of voting could in fact run for President. I am not suggesting that Senator Obama has a criminal background, but I do want answers to all the questions concerned citizens have been asking about his socialist ideologies and troubling entourage of friends and business partners. I believe an FBI investigation is not only appropriate but necessary. With his practically unlimited source of funding and media’s bias slant, I simply don’t know the truth. However, I refuse to accept ignorance as comfort and will continue to search for the facts; hopefully, I won’t be alone. Americans have the right to an informed vote, and unfortunately, it may already be too late for that. I am truly concerned about my families’ future and the future of this great Nation.
*** Note: This letter was originally written by me (Pamela Karr Wisniewski). However, you are welcome to copy the letter to send to your state's US Senators. ***
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
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