Wednesday, January 09, 2008

January 2008

Wow, I can't believe it is 2008 already. 2007 went by really quickly, and here we are. So here are some big headlines for 2008:

  • Mike turned 30
  • Pam & Mike got engaged
  • Kim is pregnant
  • Kim is getting her first book published
  • Mike resigned from IBM after 8 years
  • Pam resigned from Lash Group after 2 1/5 years
  • We got Uluru (Ru)
  • Joel got married
  • Auntie Dot passed away
  • Mike sold his house
  • Chris and Amber got engaged
  • Pam and Pearl had their first wreck (fender bender)
  • Pam & Ann took a cruise through the Caribbean
  • Mom and Watson moved into Jay's townhouse
  • Rachael started high school
I think that covers the major life events in 2007.

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