Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mike Update 2

Well, they didn't release Mike today; they are keeping him another night. Still no results to help figure out what is going on. Strangely enough, his spasms have really slowed down - probably because he is in bed all day. I am staying the night with him. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

It was sweet; my mom tried calling about 7 hospitals to find Mike and talk to him. She doesn't even think to try a cell phone. :-)

Mike has electrodes stuck all over his head with paper mache (how do you spell mache?). His room is also video surveillanced 24 hours/day. I guess I should have remembered that when I changed my pants.

1 comment:

theParser said...

According to Google, m-a-c-h-e.

Nice move with the pants, Pammage.