Sunday, November 30, 2008


Things I am thankful for:

God - He gave us everything we have that is good or perfect.

My family - Mike, Ra, Scuro, Ru, Mom, Watson, Kim, Tony, Max, Lisa, Steve, Rachael, Ryan, Emily, Mike's mom, Mike's Dad, Julie, Michelle, and our extended families.

My friends - Matt, Amy, Haya, Mahdi, Amber, Chris, Melanie, Angela, Tausha, Liz, Randy, Dave, Pedro, Jamie, Orson, Donna, and too many others to list.

My PhD advisors - Heather and Dave. They are awesome even though I have been sucking at the PhD program lately.

My stuff - I just did two-sided printing with my new wireless printer. Quite nifty. Something I have wanted/needed for some time now. I also am thankful for my car Pearl. My heater Marvin who is keeping me warm right now. My home. My office. I really like electricity and running water too.

The ducks - We enjoy feeding the ducks in the back yard.

The Internet - Admittedly, I am addicted. I am not thankful for porn or cyber-crime though.

My ex-boyfriends - People who I will always love and want the best for but may not talk to anymore.

My health - Mike's condition reminds me that even though I am not the healthiest person in the world, being able to do normal daily life type stuff is a blessing.

My safety - Living in the US has allowed us to not live in fear of war at our doorstep. Although there is crime here, we live relatively safe lives.

Kindness of Strangers - Sometimes when I grieve over the cruelty and selfishness of humanity, someone does something to remind me that goodness still exists.

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