Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday Mike

Yesterday, Mike had a follow up appointment with his Neurologist who sent him in to the hospital to get a blood patch for his spinal tap headaches and nausea. So we spent most of the day getting that done. His brain is feeling better which is good. His back and hips are hurting from the blood that was pushed back into his spine to clot the original puncture. It was a little concerning when the doctor who did it said something to the effect of "Well, we aren't exactly sure what it does, but we think . . ." So now he is getting better from the procedures used to try to figure out what was originally wrong with him in the first place.

His doctor put him on Depakote which seems to reduce the uncontrollable muscle spasms. It is a medication used to treat bi-polar, epilepsy, and migraines. The weird thing is that his doctor already ruled out epilepsy, but he doesn't know what the muscle jerks are from. Depakote has some serious side effects such as liver problems and pancreatitis so I don't want him on the medication if he doesn't have to be. We will have to see how he is doing over the next few days. His general doctor is working on some other referrals to hopefully help figure things out without having to wait until March.

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