Tuesday, November 18, 2008

More Mike

Mike's Neurologist can't get him into Duke or Baptist for a second opinion until February or March which is pretty depressing. He is scheduled for an EMG on December 8th. We went to his general doctor today, and he is going to try to get referrals for us to get into a Neuromuscular doctor and a Toxicologist sooner is possible. He said that Mike have to go back and get another spinal tap to get a blood patch if he doesn't stop getting nausea and headaches from the first spinal tap. Something about maybe leaking spinal fluid. I don't want to think about that too hard because it grosses me out. He is in good spirits, but he is still visibly hurting. He hasn't been able to keep down all his food, and he was dizzy most of the day yesterday. I don't like leaving him for very long because he forgets that he gets dizzy. I don't want him to fall down the stairs or something when I am away.

We decided that it would be best to also see a counselor together to help us both cope with the stress right now. I am going to call a few after typing this update. I do better some days than others. I was really geared up for both of us to get off to a good working start at his job and me at school after we got back from the honeymoon and the whole wedding thing behind us. I want to start saving up for having kids in about 2 years. I guess it is a little disheartening that right after we get married, we are dealing with strange medical problems instead of being able to enjoy one another. We have been lucky if he feels good enough to get out to dinner with friends.

Everyone is praying for us, so I know everything will be okay.

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