Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mike Update 3

They released Mike from the hospital late yesterday afternoon. They still haven't found out why he is sick. He is still getting really bad headaches, involuntary muscle jerks, nausea, tightness in his chest, and pain in his neck. The doctor is running another test for Huntington's disease. He has been in bed since he got back from the hospital. Sitting up makes him feel worse. He is happier at home, so it doesn't make sense to keep him at the hospital if they aren't running more tests. He will probably have to go up to Duke for more tests. He will probably have to go on short term disability at work for a few weeks at least. I am calling school to see what I need to do to get leave for a while to take care of him.

Thanks for all the prayers and kind words. It is good to know we have a lot of friends and family who love us very much.

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