Monday, November 17, 2008

Status Quo

Mike is feeling a little better from the spinal tap, but his back is hurting him, and he is still getting nausea and said he is dizzy. Last night his armpit was sore, so I think his lymph nodes might be swollen. According to him, he is "super spasmy" today. We are calling his regular doctor to schedule an appointment. I am getting annoyed with his doctor's lack of responsiveness, so we may try to change primary care physicians for him if his doctor keeps being a dork.

In other news, we don't know what happened to grey duck who was sent back to the waterfowl rescue. Black duck is now limpy as well. However, he still has all his feather, so I think he will be okay. Ru is healing up just fine. He is no longer a satellite dish dog.

I have a physical therapist appointment in half an hour. She will tell me that I need to actually do the exercises she gave me to have them work. At that point, I will break down crying and run out of her office it a total panic of stress. Well, maybe not. She is pretty nice.

Matt's birthday was yesterday, and we were actually able to make it to dinner to see him and a few friends. We also got to meet Stephen (Baby Campbell) for the first time last night. What a cutie pie. Seems like we are a few years behind our friends on the whole having a baby department. Hopefully, we won't be too far behind. Mike has to get better first though.

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