Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Today's Update

We went to CMC to see a Toxicologist this morning. Boy, I must love Mike. First, I hate driving. Second, I had to wake up at 7 AM this morning. Third, there was frost outside (and I am from Florida). Fourth, I had to drive in I-77 traffic. I hate I-77 traffic. Fifth, I have to do it again tomorrow. We are going to CMC Neurological Clinic. Not sure what new stuff they can tell us, but we didn't get anything useful from his Neurologist in Concord yet, so might as well try.

Thank God for health insurance.

Mike has pretty much stabilized so at least he isn't continuing to get worse. He can do 1-3 hours of work from home a day (maybe). After that, he is headachy, spasmy, and dizzy. He has taken up eating a banana a day. Maybe he is turning into a monkey . . .

I am doing okay. I have been scheduling Geoviz participants and writing my paper for my final project for Visual Analytics. Other than that, I have just been getting stuff done around the house that has to get done. Cats and dog are doing well. They don't particularly like having to go to the bathroom in the cold (dog outside, cats in the garage), but they haven't revolted in the house yet.

I feel 60 years old. We actually went to K&W Cafeteria this evening for dinner because I didn't feel like cooking. We went to church on Sunday, but we haven't been getting out of the house much (minus doctor's appointments), so I am missing socializing with my friends. Hugs to everyone! Feel free to stop by; we would enjoy some company. Don't worry, we will kick you out before you over stay your welcome. :-)

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