Saturday, July 26, 2008

Catching Curly

Curly lives on the window sill in the living room. Muhammed gave him to me as a housewarming present. Well, I was trying to open the window, and off falls Curly. So, I try to catch him; however, I was unsuccessful. Alas, you see, Curly is a cactus.

Now I have little cactus thorns embedded in my fingers. They go well with the poison ivy I have on my thigh. Then some large spider or other scary bug bit me right on top of my poison ivy. I think I have a leech suck spot on my ankle that also got bitten by a mosquito. Mike and I both have mosquito bites all over from camping and from dredging the pond. We are a mess. :-) Just in time for the wedding!

Cats are on the office floor bathing.

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